Last Chance

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Ciara's POV

Today is my last day at school, and I have to say bye to all my friends. I'm going to miss them very much I never thought that out of all my friends I would be the one to move. I'm just not sure I wanna do this even if it is for my mother's safety from my step father.
    I have so many things going through my head like, "What will Brandon say? Will he miss me? Will he worry about me? Will Jillian miss me? Will she want to text me all night and day about how much is going on at school and how it was better when I was there? Or will she tell me that the drama has lessened since I left and it seems better when I'm not around?" Either way these things run through my head driving me crazy with worry of losing my friends and my boyfriend. I try to stay positive and think about things we all did together that made me smile and that's when I realize just how much me and Brandon were meant for each other every time we played at Jill's house we always ended up in each others arms laughing and smiling at each other. Me falling for him was no accident it was destined, but now I'm moving and that dream will never come true unless I am to move back.
I sit in my first class quiet so quiet the teacher marked me absent for the day and everyone had to speak up for me because I didn't feel like talking. Jillian and Brandon have been bugging me all day with what's wrong, and all I can do is shake them off me and kept going.
     It's now sixth period, Jillian and Brandon are still trying to figure out what's wrong with me and why I won't talk, though I've already told them today is my last day I don't want it to end I want it to last forever. I don't want to leave my friends and my future behind this is the place I wanted to grow up at as far as education goes nowhere else. However now I just don't know anymore.
   I had my whole life planned out right here in my small little town of Irmo, South Carolina long time friends, family, and great teachers that cared about your future. I want today to be the best last day here ever, but I also want it to last forever. I know that can't happen but it's worth wishing right? Oh well the school day is almost over and I'm beginning to cry I ask my teacher if I can be excused while I go to the bathroom to get myself together. After about 15-20 feet away from the class I hear a door open and close I look back to see Brandon has followed me, he runs over to me and sees me crying he gives me a hug and holds me tight. I let everything out me being mad, sad, happy all my emotions and he stands there hands in mine holding me in his warmth I get chills when he let's go to see my face. I wait for him to say anything if he has to at all, and that's when he does what I've been waiting on instead of saying anything normal like it'll be ok he just says, "I love you Ciara and I'm here for you okay. I'm not leaving you, I'm staying right here with you. Then as if on cue he kisses me and holds me tighter. As he holds me I wrap my arms around his neck pulling him closer kissing him harder not wanting to let go. His grip on me loosens and he puts his head back so he can see my face and gives a small fake smile. I give a concerned look and he drops his eyes, for some reason I'm not sure but he seems to be slowly parting from me. It's like you can't see it, but you know it's happening because everything between y'all is different. I'm starting to feel like me and Brandon are no longer meant for each other. The thought of that scares me.

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