#1 A Shadow at my window

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"Who can tell me what the French and Indian war was fought over? Miss Black?" My teacher, Mrs. Din, nodded towards me, the best student in the class.

"The Ohio River Valley and fur trade, ma'am," I answered without missing a beat. 

"Very good, Abigail," she congratulated and scribbled my answer on the whiteboard, "And who can tell me about the impact this had on the colonies? How about you?"

Some kid I didn't know answered, but he was wrong. Mrs. Din went to find someone else to answer when a lady working in the school's main office stepped into the classroom. 

"Mrs. Din? Abigail Black's mother is here to pick her up from school." 

"Well go on!" Mrs. Din said to me with a motion towards the door, "You heard her. Read pages 34-47 in your textbook tonight!"

I gathered my things clumsily and hurried out of the room after the lady from the office. I heard the faint voice of Mrs. Din calling on Jimmy Miller as I left. "What's she picking me up for?" 

"She didn't say much. Some sort of family emergency." Answered the uptight lady. She was clad in black heels, a black pencil skirt,  a white blouse, red lipstick, and some sort of bun for her hair. She carried a notebook in one hand and a ballpoint pen in the other. She had a tense expression with lines across her face that showed how stressed she normally was, but also revealed that she knew more than she was letting on. 

"You know what the emergency was. What happened?" I pressed. An anxious, unsettling feeling washed over me. What was so important that she wouldn't tell me?

The woman's fast, confident stride broke as she paused, but she shook her head and kept moving as she did before. "How did you know I knew?"

"I'm good at reading people. What happened?"

We continued down the tiled floors of the school's halls, the lady's heels click, click, clicking with each step. Each click sounded like the tick of a time bomb. Click, click, click, tick, tick, tick. What would I find when the bomb finally went off? 

"I can't say, Abigail. But you can discuss it with your mother when you see her."


"Regardless, you can discuss it with her when you see her. Which is now." 

She was right. We turned the corner to reach the main office. Inside, my stepmom was sitting on a chair, tapping her manicured nails on her phone's glittery case. God, how I hated her. Bile rose to my throat every time I saw her. 

Ever since my real mother abandoned my dad and me, it had just been me and him having fun. Most of the time time. I did commit a crime or two once and awhile, but my troubled life was hidden easily at school with a polished smile and the correct answers on the test. No one suspects the most brilliant, perfect girl in school that's good at everything to be living in hell at home. 

But my dad helped me stay strong. Then one day, he came home with that good for nothing leech because she could provide financial support for our family and expected me to accept her as a mother. Well, I didn't, even when they married. My stepmom always hated me. That may have been justifiable since I hated her, you have to expect her to be a jerk back. Nevertheless, she never ceased to verbally abuse me at every turn. But I put up with her because my dad and I needed her. 

"Hi, honey," chimed my stepmom with a smile that was creepily wide enough to go from happy to psychotic. She was clearly angry at me but was putting on an act in front of the other adults. "Come on, we're leaving!"

I glanced back down the halls of Franklyn High, wishing I could run back to my history class in the safety of schooling, but I was smart enough to know that there was no way to resist. I had tried before when I was younger. It didn't end well. 

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