#2 Run

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You may be saying, "Oh my gosh, Abigail! I can't believe that you have been abducted by a shadow! Are you okay?" And if you happened to ask such a pathetic question, then considering I was just dropped on a beach from, like, 100 feet in the air, yes, I'm simply amazing.

I stood and looked up to where the shadow had been. It had flown far off and I wasn't about to chase it, I was never one to enjoy running anyway. 

Also, in case you are wondering, no, I am not delusional. I really was on some beach and I really was dropped by a shadow, I swear. 

"God, that sounds really crazy," I muttered to myself, "Abducted by a shadow? Sounds like a little kid's story."

But after pinching myself, I was very sure that this was, unfortunately, real. 

"I have had enough freakishness for one day, thank you very much," I mumbled again. So I did what any sane person would do. I started into the dark ominous woods that were in front of my face that seemed to scream DANGER! Great decision, I know. 

I wandered for a good hour, seeing nothing but trees and plants, before it started to get dark. Actually, come to think of it, it was always pretty dark, but now it was darker than it was before. 

Glaring at the sky, I began to collect large branches for a lean-to, mumbling frustrated curses at the sky, even though I knew that was stupid. The brush in the surrounding area was thick and there were some good sized branches that must have fallen after a storm. They would make a good frame, and the foliage would be a good cover. 

After eons, I finally completed the structure (that if I was honest with myself, was a really crappy structure) so that I could pile large leaves over the top to block any rain that might fall. Worn out, I crawled underneath and dusted my hands on my ripped jeans to lean against the tree. 

The air was cold and the shelter was drafty, making me hug my legs closer to myself. Somewhere in the distance, I though I heard whooping and hollering. 

"Probably an animal," I whispered to myself, picking at a lose thread on my jeans. 

Another gust of wind blew through the cracks of my lean-to. I began softy muttering some choice words to myself as I pondered the events of the day. A shadow doesn't just, kinda', decide to go kidnap someone and drop them on an island in the middle of freaking nowhere anymore than random teens appear from the woods with big clubs. But of course both of those happened. Lucky me. 

While the boys came crawling out of trees and bushes, one boy came forward out of the group and looked like he was going to say something, but I interrupted him.

Now, I'm not normally one to ask for help. In fact, I hate asking for help ever since that step monster yelled at me when I needed help with a bullying situation at school. But in my defense, I was in a pitiful situation and I would never admit it, but I needed help. 

"Do you live around here? Is there somewhere I can go? I really need help." I wanted to punch myself for whimpering to these random people, but I didn't. I'm pretty sure that if I punched my own face after asking for help, these people would think I had lost my marbles. That probably wouldn't be very reassuring to them, and they would turn me down. 

The leading boy smirked and he raised his club. The others withdrew various weapons and they began to close in on me. 

Well, crap.

Time to put 9 years of theater classes to use. With ease, I made my best terrified expression as I began to plot a way out. I'm not a fighter and I never was. Instead, I am a manipulator, I trick people. I get inside people's brain and I can fool anyone, mess with anybody's head. Now, I needed to use that since running was completely out of the question. I always got C's in P.E, but I could pretend to be on their side just long enough for me to hit one of them and run. All I had to do was let them come in around me and bind my hands. That may make it harder, but I wasn't about to give up with my life on the line. 

 The lead boy approached and looked me up and down before saying, "You're a girl." I desperately wanted to say something like, "Really? I didn't know that! Thanks!" But I had to keep faking. I simply nodded and began crying. That's right- I can cry on command. It can really come in handy. Go me! (Mental self-high-five)!

I can tell that crying ticked the boy off- not exactly what I had in mind. He looked at me like I was a weak little girl. It irked me. A lot. 

Two boys seized me by my arms and dragged me into the woods. My feet slid along the dirt, my arms ached from where they were pulling me, but I had to do this. To keep up my act, I kept begging for them to let me go, and hated every bit of it. Ah, the struggles of a prisoner. 

"Come on, please! Please don't do this!" I begged, shaking my body in feeble attempts to get away. 

"Shut up," one commanded. 

I never did take well to orders. 

I finally hit the two boys, who promptly collapsed. (Mental self-high-five number two. Go Abby!) I ran fast and I ran far. I was pretty proud of myself, actually, I war running well for being in skinny jeans and wearing boots- just saying. 

But, as always, bad luck wasn't far behind. As soon as I had picked up a lot of momentum, I crashed into a boy with piercing greens eyes, just in time to black out.

The Voice Inside my Head (Peter Pan OUAT Fanfic.) UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now