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Honestly, I felt nervous. Was I not supposed to take Zayn inside his own home? Was that rude of me? Well, I did break into his house and carried him inside. For a basically grown boy, Zayn was pretty light.

But I was looking into his caramel eyes, and I was waiting for him to respond. Was that it? Was he not going to say anything? I guess not.

“So, um, I’m gonna go home now,” I mumbled, fiddling with my fingers. I murmured a quick ‘goodbye’ to Zayn as I walked away awkwardly. How much more awkward could that be? There was so much tension and nerve! I wonder how Zayn felt about that.

I was tugging on my black sleeves as I walked back “home” to my apartment. It was incredulously small—or it was just the fact that I loved in a giant castle all my life. Even for a regular sized house in the suburbs, this apartment was still small. The kitchen was smaller than the bathroom, and I don’t know whether to congratulate the bathroom or feel bad for the kitchen. The living room was the biggest room in my apartment, so I stayed there most of the time. I didn’t have furniture, anyway.

I rarely stayed in my apartment most of the time. I usually went out for walks or just to stay in the park. I totally didn’t expect to meet a new person.

I was climbing up a tree when I heard a shuffling noise behind me. I turned around, and a flash of blonde hair disappeared behind the tree. I went around it, and there was a girl hiding there. She looked about my age, and she looked a lot like me, too. We both had blonde hair and blue eyes. She moved her hands down to her sides and gave me a shy smile.

“Uh, hi!” she said. “I’m Katherine! Sorry about that… It’s just that I’ve heard so much about you! I mean, you’re the bloody Queen! How cool is that?” she said. Come to think of it, Katherine sounded like me, too. I narrowed my eyes at her.

“How do you know who I am?” I asked skeptically.

She looked from side to side cautiously and then back at me. She leaned in closer so I can hear her clearly. “I’m a demigod,” she whispered. I nodded. “Katherine Spires, daughter of Hermes, at your service!” she giggled, giving me a salute. “And you’re partially Hermes, so I guess that makes you my mother…? That would be weird. Okay, never mind. I’m just a daughter of Hermes,” she laughed.

I laughed along with her. “So Katherine, is there anything I can do for you?” I asked politely.

“I came to talk to you about that. But actually, it’s what I can do for you.”

I cocked an eyebrow at Katherine, and she gave me a cheeky smile. What was this demigod planning? As she was a daughter of Hermes, I already knew she was sneaky. Hermes was the god of thievery and messaging. He was basically the message carrier for the gods, and he stole a lot of things he thought were valuable. Children of Hermes were very cunning and sneaky, and very good at pranks. If Leigh-Anne wasn’t a cloud nymph, she could definitely pass off as a child of Hermes.

“You know your friends? You know; the semi-Pegasus, the cloud nymph, and the girl of Aphrodite?” Katherine said, looking seriously at me.

“How did you know?” I choked.

“Child of Hermes,” she shrugged. “I get around.”

“What about my friends?” I asked.

“Oh, yes!” Katherine exclaimed. She clapped her hands together giddily. “I found a way to sneak them over here!”

I let out a giant gasp. “Oh, my gosh!” I exclaimed, giving Katherine a big hug. “Thank you thank you thank you!” I squealed.

“But first,” Katherine interrupted, and I pouted. Really? Do you just ruin someone’s happiness like that? I let out an exasperated sigh, putting my hands on my hips and tapping my right foot impatiently. Katherine dropped her shoulders. “I wanna help you!” she exclaimed. “And I’m going to show you how to live in the human world.”

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