A Random Phone Call

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Mikes POV

I was at my house, watching TV, when I got a random phone call.

"Hello?" I answered the phone.

"Micheal, it's me, PG.  I need some help.  Get Jeremy and Fritz.  Please!" PG told me.

"PG what's wrong?" I was able to spit those last words out, before he hung up.  I than called Jeremy.  "Hey Jer."

"Sup Mike, so what's up?" He replied.

"I don't know... PG needs our help.  Is Fritz there?" I said.

"Uh, yeah.  I'll meet you at PG's." He answered.

"Okay, bye." I said.

"Bye." He said back.

Jeremy's POV

Mike asked me to meet him at PG's.  And to bring Fritz... I wonder what's going on.

"Hey Fritz?" I yelled.

"Yeah?" He said poking his head out of the kitchen.

"We are going to PG's.  He needs help." I replied.

"Okay I'm coming." He said.

We got in my car.  We got to PG's.  I got out and headed to the door.  Mike then came up into the driveway.  We went up to his door, and rang the doorbell.

Fritz POV

Okay.  So we went into PG's house to see him look tired and stressed.

"Hey man, what's up?  You don't look so good...." I said.

"Okay so I went to my mailbox, and I saw two boxes.  I opened them inside, to find well..."

Then a little boy came crawling in.  He had purple hair, red eyes, and a waiter's outfit.  "Yeah, them..." PG finished.

"What?!  You got a baby in the mail?" Mike asked.

"No, I got more..." PG said.  He started walking into the living room.  We then saw the chaos.  There were so many babies.  "Okay, where do I start....?"  He then picked up a baby, with the same outfit as that other one we saw earlier, but with a black bow and brown hair. "This is 'Freddy'." He said.  "This is Chica." he said picking up a girl baby, with yellow hair, a bib, and a yellow dress.  He pointed to the baby we saw when we walked in .  "That's Bonnie."  Then he pointed to a red-head kid, with a pirate outfit. "Foxy," Than pointed to a baby next to him.  Yellow hair and the same outfit as Freddy. "Goldie."  He pointed to a white haired girl, another girl who looked like Chica, but with a tank and shorts.  Than to a kid who looked like Freddy, but with lighter hair, a boy who looked like Bonnie, but with lighter hair.  And finally to twins, who had a striped shirt with red and blue strips, and pink and purple stripes, than to a kid with black hair and a black outfit, his arms and legs striped with white.  "Funtime, Toy Chica, Toy Freddy, Toy Bonnie, BB and JJ, that's Puppet."

We were all too confused to speak...

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