It Was Fun

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Toy Chica's POV

Yeah, I'll spare the details, basically it was fun.  We got some candy at the end and the car ride home was fine.  We did this  a few more times, until it was Funtime's birthday.  We were all 7 or 8, she was turning 8.  The youngest is BB and JJ, just by a year.  They are 6, so yeah.

Funtime's POV

We will be starting school not long after my birthday.  It would be our first year, because Mike, Jer, and Fritz worry about us.  That's okay though.  We are going to 3rd grade together.  My birthday is just 2 weeks away, and school is 4 weeks.

(Im not done, sneaking it in class, finish it later)

(Lol I'm back >u<)

Funtime's POV (Still)

I wanted to be ready for school... but that was so hard.  I tried doing everything I could, and Jer taught me how to add and subtract.  I wonder how everyone else is doing.

Foxy's POV

Funtime's birthday is soon and me and Bonnie are planning something special.  Bonnie found the perfect gift that she would love!

Bonnie's POV

Funtime's B-day is coming up.  I hope she likes her gift...  it took me a while to find, well make with Puppet... but she'll love it.  We are going to keep it a surprise for a while and through her a big party!

"Hey Bonnie!" It was Funtime.

"Uh, hey." I said.

"School is almost here!  Are you ready?"

"Not really," I said. "we know nothing about school.  How could we be ready for it?"

"I don't know..." She said. "But we can try!  Bonnie?"


"Will, wi-, will you protect me at school too?" She asked.  I smiled.

"Why wouldn't I?" I told her.

"Thanks Bonnie." She hugged me after saying that.  But then Chica was back.  Funtime saw her before Chica saw her.  She broke the hug and stood up straight.

"What are you doing?" She said, looking at us.

"Talking about school." Funtime said, calmly.

"Ha!  You won't last a day in high school!" She laughed.

"Why?" Funtime asked.

"Hey, don't you talk to her like that!" I yelled.

"Your name..." Chica finished.

"What about it?" Funtime asked.

"You probably won't last in middle school." She said. "You name is dumb!" She finished.

"Oh yeah, because a name that sounds like a short version of chicken is any better." Funtime said.

"Hey dumbo, what 'funtimes' do you have." She asked.  Funtime knew what she meant.

"Shut your dumb little beak!  At least I have friends.  Bonnie don't like you, Foxy doesn't like you and Toy Chica hates you!"  She said.

"Bonnie doesn't like me," She agreed. "He loves me." 

"Doubt it."

"No I don't!"  I said.

"Fine, have it your way..."  She said as she stormed off.

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