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***3 years later...

Fritz POV

It's been normal so far.  Nothing much has happened.  Well 3 years later, me and Jeremy are still roommates and I got a part time job.  Funtime is really special , she is tough, and could survive a fire.  If she had to acourse.  I was playing with Puppet, when the doorbell rang.

"Hey Fritz."  It was Mike.

"Hey, it's been hard, hasn't it?" I said.

"Yeah, we only got to hang out is someone wanted to babysit..."  Mike went on. "But maybe when they are older, they could meet up.  Hey, so, can you hang out today?"

"Maybe, let me find a babysitter."  I went to my laptop to do exactly what I said.  I found one, and they could do it today.  Which was very convenient.  I called them and they came over.  Me and Mike then left.  Jeremy tagged along.  But there was a problem... Puppet.  He started crying and screaming.  I knew if we took one with, we had to take them all with.  I picked him up and told him I'll be back later.  I gave Funtime the music box to wind up for him, if he needed it.  We left and headed to the pizza place nearby.

"So , how is having to deal with like 10 toddlers?" Mike asked.

"It's hard, but some of the kids help out like Funtime." Jeremy answered.

"Dealing with the five is enough" Mike went on. "Bonnie is okay, but then the pizza thing, with Chica, I think she has a problem..."

"Yeah, I remember when you showed me." I said.

"Maybe," Mike said. "When the kids are a bit older, they could all hang out.  From what you said, I think Goldie and Puppet would get along.  So might Bonnie, Funtime and Toy Chica."

"Yeah, Funtime and Toy Chica" Jeremy said. "are always hanging out.  They might not like Chica so much.  You know how Toy Chica can get."

"I guess, but when they are older," Mike was saying "they could get along better.  I wonder if maybe we can take them to Chuck E Cheese..."

"That might be fun... sure I guess we could try..."

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