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The dinner went well. As soon as Lily and Matt got there, they pulled over in the restaurant's parking lot and got in. It was a romantic dinner and there were violinist and pianists playing in the background. Also for the most cliché part? There were scented candles and the room was dimly lit.

After that, they headed outside since it was already dark and Isabelle was worried sick about Lily. The whole trip to her house was full of laughter, if not, occasionally singing along with the radio. It was a magical night none of them will ever forget.

"Bye, angel. Have a good night. Sweet dreams, rest well. We still have school tomorrow." He said as he gave Lily a quick kiss in the cheeks.

"Bye, good night Matty!" Lily said as she waved her hand and the car's engine started up.

As she went inside, Isabelle was watching the television, with a Caesar salad in her hands. "How was the date?" She asked smiling up at Lily.

"Oh, it was nice." Lily said as she sat down next to her mom.

"Come here." She gestured and Lily snuggled closer, resting her head in her mother's shoulders. "I love you, always take care of yourself, okay?"

"Mum! Stop talking like that!" Lily said as she sat up straight.

"Talking like what?" Isabelle laughed softly.

"Like you're going to go away. Like die, I don't know."

"Oh my sweet baby." She said as she took Lily's head and rested it on her lap. "Just, take care of yourself when I'm not around 'kay?"

"Mmkay." Lily mumbled as she laid there watching the television.


Tuesday Morning. Lily still was laying on the couch. When she heard someone screaming, her eyes suddenly opened wide. She stood up to see who it was and Isabelle was on her uniform, with her hands over her mouth as she continued to nod at her cellphone.

"Mum! What happened?" Lily jogged silently to her mother as Isabelle switched off her phone and hugged her.

"Your dad, he- yesterday he got in an accident and- it all happened when he was on his way home and, he was announced dead on arrival to the hospital." Isabelle cried as Lily pat her back.

Tears were starting to fall off Lily's eyes too but she knew she needed to stay strong for her mother. For both of them.

"Should we- I guess we should go to the hospital?" Lily suggested and Isabelle nodded her head.

Lily went upstairs to change her clothes, fix her hair, and brush her teeth. Before exiting the house, she grabbed an apple and headed to her mom's car. On their way there, Lily managed to text Matthew about the situation and the hospital's address.

Inside the hospital, the color and smell was enough to make Lily throw up. The nurses were running back and forth. Isabelle and Lily headed to the information station and asked for Robert Andreas. The middle-aged woman told them the room of the morgue and the doctor's name. They followed her instructions and as expected, a doctor was waiting for them inside.

The doctor unfolded one corpse and Robert was as pale as a paper. His eyes were shut, bruises and cuts were visible from his body. Lily covered my mouth as if not to scream as hot tears fell down her face. Isabelle hugged her as she too, cried. The doctor left them sobbing in the room and told them that he'll be outside if they need him.

Lily stared at her dad's body before looking away. Knowing that he's a very loving father and he would never want them to be crying over him. But it was just hard not to cry knowing the fact that your father, the one who was there and guided you your entire life, is now gone. Gone like an instant. Maybe the song was right. Maybe all we are is just a dust in the wind.

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