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Lily's eyes felt heavy but she fought hard to open it. A blinding light welcomed her eyes and she felt the need to squint. As her vision cleared, she realized that she was still inside the kitchen. But she wasn't alone. No, she wasn't. There were two figures standing in front of her.

She opened her eyes widely at the thought. There, stood Ashton Sanders, still in his tux. Beside him was a woman, maybe a year or two older than him, holding a strong resemblance to him. With their matching brown eyes and brunette locks, it was safe to assume that they were siblings.

It is only then she realized that she was tied up to a chair. She struggled with the ropes but it didn't budge. "Don't bother shaking them off, Ly. Janice here secured it. Didn't you sister?" Ash said while giving Lily a smirk of his.

Oh how I would love to wipe that smirk off of your traitorous face.

"Yeah, whatever," Janice shrugged, sitting on the bed.

"What do you want with me?" Lily's voice came out small and hoarse.

"You see, I've worked so hard to get you alone like this Lily. And to top that off, I'm pleasantly surprised that you actually kept my letter." He spoke, his accent vanishing. He sounded like someone else, but she couldn't rake her brain who.

"What letter?" Lily inquired, still completely oblivious to what he's saying.

"Oh I mean this." He held up a piece of crumpled paper and in any angle given, she would recognize that as quickly as you would see Taylor Swift with another man. It was the letter that W gave her that night during the party.

"Y- You gave that to me?" She already know the answer but she wanted him to say it.

"Lily, come on," He smirked and by now, his accent is completely gone. As if it was practiced for another character. "You're a smart girl. You can figure this one out."

"But h- how? Why?" Was all she can say, as she was on the verge of crying.

"Lily, Lily, Lily," He tsked while waving his finger around. "As much as I like to continue our little chat, I'm afraid I have to check if Isabelle is coming home soon." Before he left the room, he took another glance at the girls before continuing, "Don't wait up."

The room became eerily silent when Ashton left. If I'm going to die today, might as well know how I got here. Mustering up all her courage, Lily took a deep breath before asking Janice the questions that were pooling in her mind.

"Who are you?" She started asking. Sure enough her name is Janice but what about Ashton? Is it really his name? Janice, understanding what the other girl meant, released a pregnant sigh before facing the girl who was tied up.

"I'm Janice Sanders and that was my brother Ashton. But I'm guessing you already knew that, right?" She asked in a very sisterly way. Lily nodded and opened her mouth to clarify her question but Janice held up a finger, silencing her.

"If you're going to ask me why my brother is doing this to you, that I don't know what I'm doing, trust me when I tell you that you aren't the first." Janice shifted her eyes and she was looking everywhere except Lily.

"What do you mean? What does this whole thing mean? Please?! I need answers at least even before I die!" Lily pleaded and her tears cascaded down her now-red cheeks.

"I can't. It's not my story to tell." Janice refused.

All of the anger pent up inside Lily broke free and she couldn't stop her emotions; couldn't keep them at bay. After all, if you're going to die, would you rather remain silent or fight for your justice? Lily needed to push the right buttons to make Janice spill her brother's secrets.

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