New Car

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As I stare at it, my dad finishes talking to the car salesman and I walk toward the Camaro. I reach the car and as I'm staring at it in awe, dad catches up to me. "Dad, I want this car."
"I don't know Jamie," he replies. "it looks too new and expensive."
"Well, do you remember last week when we were talking about how to pick a car?"
"Do you remember what you said to me?"
He replies to me in a quiet voice because he knows I beat him in this argument this time, "Cars pick their drivers."
"Yes, and this car is picking me to be its driver."
"How much is the car, sir?" Dad asks the salesperson as he meets us at the car.
"I've never seen this car before." he says. "Well considering it is a used car and has a custom paint job, I'm going to make an offer of 10 grand."
"Hmmm..." My dad mumbles as he has his crooked mouth twisted into a scowl and his hand at his chin as though he was that 'The Thinker' statue. I know this face, this is the face Dad makes when he's contemplating whether if he makes the decision will be good or bad. "Is it possible if we could discuss the price in your office?"
"Yes, that's possible follow me." The salesperson replies. "I have to see if I have the keys to that car."
"Jamie are you coming?" My father asks me.
"No, I'll stand here." My father nods and walks into the shop with the dealership guy. I wanted to stay outside just in case someone decides that they want the car and so I could admire the vehicle that could possibly be mine in a couple moments. I'm checking out the car when I notice a strange symbol that for some reason I could recognize. The best way to describe it is that it looks like Darth Vader's head upside down. I touch the symbol and nothing happens but I feel like I just started something in the world. I see my dad come back out with the dealership person.
"Jamie," Dad says as he pulls out a set of keys then he smiles when I put my hands over my mouth in shock and in surprise. "This car is now yours. You can drive it home only if you follow behind me."
"I'm completely fine with that!" I grab the keys out of his hand and jump into my new car and start the engine.

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