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"Let me go!" I yelled while kicking and thrashing around. Megatron walked up to me. I kicked him when he got too close.
"You vile little pest!" He growled.
"What am I doing here? And why do you want me? I have nothing to do with this!" I spat at him.
"But you do little one," he sneered at me,"I need to know the location of the Autobot base!" Autobot base? What the hell was he talking about. Ugh why do these things always happen to me? Well not being captured by talking robot cars. But you know...whatever. How am I going to get out of here?
"I have no idea what you are talking about." I replied.
"Well of course you're with Bumblebee here I must assume you know where their base is?" He said.
"But I swear I don't know what you are talking about!" I cried.
"Well, if you are sure.. but you might be lying so I have no choice but to make you talk." He went up to Bumblebee and Knockout handed him what looked like a cattle prod but this one had a purple electrical charge identical to the cuffs holding Bumblebee up. Megatron jammed the prod into the back of Bumblebee's neck and the beeps and buzzes coming from Bumblebee were those which pained me on the inside. I don't like to see him like this even though we had only known each other for a couple hours. Wait how long have I been asleep?
"Stop it! Please don't hurt him! I swear to god I don't know where this Autobot base is. But I have one question?" I asked.
"What?" He roared.
"How long have I been here?" I asked quietly.
"Three days." Knockout interjected as Megatron opened his large mouth. Megatron looked at Knockout with his huge blood red eyes. "Sorry, Lord Megatron."
"Oh my god! My dad is going to kill me!" I yelled. "I have to get out of here!" I squirmed and struggled a bit more.
"Stop moving you insolent pest!" Megatron yelled at me as he smacked me across the face. But with the size of him his slap to my face was only a flick of his finger. I yelled tears welling up in my eyes. This is gonna leave a wicked mark tomorrow. I thought. Just then in the hallways there were what I assume were gun shots but sounded more like lasers.
"WHAT IS GOING ON OUT THERE?!?" A faceless robot walked up to Megatron and showed him something on his screen-face thing. I could't see it though. "Autobots." Megatron growled quietly.
Suddenly, not five seconds after Megatron said 'Autobots', three robots burst into the room.

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