Autobot Base

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     I left the area with Miko... even though I really didn't want to. She's a bit hyper and I can't bring myself to tell her to shut the hell up. We we're in a different part of the bunker by now, she kept talking and I just nodded to show that I was listening. But something kept coming up in my mind. When I get back home, what is my dad gonna do? I was supposed to be driving home from the car dealership. Oh god he's gonna kill me. I frowned as these thoughts kept running through my mind.

     "So what do you think?"


     "About the base! Duh!" Miko replied to me a little annoyed. "Weren't you listening?"

     "Not really."

     "I asked what you thought of the base." Miko repeated to me again to my convenience.

     "It's cool. I guess." I shrugged my shoulders and turned to look at Miko. "I want to go home. I get what Optimus is saying about protecting me, but my family will be out looking for me. In fact, they've probably called the police to file a report."

     Miko stayed silent and continued walking until we reached a metal door. She opened the door and we walked into the room. The room itself was average size but everything was plain. It almost looked like a prison cell. The walls were metal, same as the door, the floor was concrete, same as the rest of the Autobot's base. A small single bed was located against the upper right wall of the room. As I continued assessing the room Miko spoke up again.

     "I know it's not much but if you do decide to stay for a long period of time you can decorate it the way you want to." She explained quite softly. I said nothing and shrugged again. "Let's go back to the others before they start missing us." We exited the room and closed the door behind us. We didn't say much after that.


     When we made it back to the main area of the bunker only Ratchet and the two boys were present. "Where did everyone go?" I inquired. Ratchet, Rafael, and Jack looked at me oddly. Almost looking like worry I immediately knew something was off. "Where...did...they go?" I asked again concerned.

     Jack spoke up. "Decepticon activity. In Canada or more specifically your hometown."

     "What's going on?! Are my parents alright?!?" I was starting to cry. "I want to go home now! I need to see my parents!"

     "We lost radio contact with them about five minutes ago." Ratchet explained. "We have no idea what's going on. We can't talk to them and they can't reach us. We have their location though. They'll send an electronic signal when they're ready then I'll open the ground bridge."

     I was confused. "Ground bridge?" Ratchet had grumbled under his breath and I couldn't hear what he said.

     "It's a teleportation thingy. You can practically go anywhere in the world in just a second!" Miko answered quite excitedly. Cool, I thought to myself.

     Suddenly, a loud beeping noise rang throughout the base. Ratchet looked back at the screen. "It's Optimus and the others." He punched in something and pulled a lever. The wall to my right lit up a nice green and blue colour swirling in a circle. A few moments later the 'bots I recently met came through. They all looked pretty beat up, scrapes and dents everywhere, and a light blue substance seeping out from some of the more severe injuries.

     Ratchet led Bumblebee to a bed and started treating him, while Arcee sat down against the wall, exhausted. Bulkhead put his hand to the ground where Miko ran over to him and hugged it. Lastly, Optimus just stood there not saying anything. So I went up to him my heart racing and pumping so hard it felt like it was going to explode out of my chest, to ask him a question I wanted so desperately answered but at the same time, afraid of what the outcome was going to be. "Optimus? My parents? Are they fine? Are they safe?"

     It was dead silent throughout the base as I stood there. Then he answered me.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2017 ⏰

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