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Three robots burst into the room that we were in. Two of them were guys and one of them was a girl. The largest of the three was blue and red. The other guy was fatter and he was an army green colour. The girl was a blue robot with pink detailing.
Megatron stared at the largest, which I automatically assumed him to be the leader. "Optimus..." He growled.
"Megatron let Bumblebee and the girl go." Optimus commanded.
Megatron let out a throaty laugh. "Ha, and why would I do that?"
Optimus thought for a moment. "Because she has nothing to do with this war."
"I'm not letting her go." At that moment Optimus fired a shot at Megatron who fell to the ground. "DECEPTICONS!!!!"
Megatron's servants instantly pulled out their guns and started firing. The girl robot ran towards me firing at the decepticons. She reached me. "Hi. I'm Arcee. Let's get you out of here kiddo." She said to me as she untied me from where I was. She picked me up and held me in her arms, protecting me against the decepticons. "Optimus! Come on! I've got her!" Optimus looked at her quickly and nodded. In a split second we were suddenly running from the action. I noticed Bumblebee fighting the decepticons. The green bot must have untied him. Thank god, I thought. Then I became one with the darkness and fell limp in Arcee's arms.


"Is she dead?" I hear a female voice ask. And I stir a little. "Oh, look, she's moving!"
I hear some scuffling and I flutter my eyes open to see eight pairs staring right back at me. "AHHH!!!!" I push myself up, but immediately regret the decision because then I feel really nauseous. "Where am I?"
"You're in the Autobot base."
him,hegetsalongwitheverybodybecausehe'sthebestandhecanbeataconsbuttrealgood!" The girl who shouted earlier said so fast I couldn't understand any of it.
"Miko...stop it." A human boy puts a hand on her shoulder. "Hi. I'm Jack. This is Miko and Raf." Jack introduced the others.
"Jamie." I introduced myself. "I need to get home. My parents will be worried. Where am I?"
"Jasper, Nevada. Entertainment capital of the world." Jack replies to me.
"JASPER, NEVADA!!" I exclaim. "I need to get home right now. Bring me back to Canada!"
Optimus spoke up. "I'm sorry Jamie. You cannot leave. It pains me to say but, as of now the decepticons will always be pursuing you. Never stopping until they get you." "Why can't Bumblebee come with?" I ask.
Ratchet looked at me. "It's a too great of risk to let one Autobot alone without any backup. Even with you the risk is greater."
"But what about my parents..." I trail off.
"They don't know yet."
"Oh GOD! My parents are going to kill me!" I exclaim. "Where the heck am I going to stay now?"
"You may stay here for the time being." Optimus replies calmly.
"Here. I'll show you to your room!" Miko shouts excitedly. She grabs my hand and leads me down a huge hallway.

A Spark of HopeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora