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"Ah, the Autobot they call Bumblebee. Who's this? A human pet? Well, Lord Megatron will surley be glad to hear that the Autobots are conversing with humans." The red car was the one who spoke. My car just stood there beeping and buzzing.
"Oh yeah I forgot, Lord Megatron destroyed your voice recognition during the civil war back home." Lord Megatron? Civil War? Autobots? What the hell were these things. For some reason they look familiar. I've seen them somewhere before.
Before I could start running the red car turned around and saw me.
"And who are you pet of Bumblebee's?"
"I'm not a pet get away from me freak." I replied.
"Ah a feisty one she is, Lord Megatron would like you, except he doesn't like humans. In fact humans are like scraplets to him."
"Who are you? Who is Lord Megatron?"
"Oh how rude of me I'm Knockout, Lord Megatron's medical officer. Lord Megatron well I guess you will have to meet him yourself to find out who he is."
Suddenly Bumblebee came from behind Knockout lashing out with a melee kick to the side of his face, but Knockout was stronger and faster he caught Bumblebee's leg and twisted it. Hearing the sound of metal screeching I closed my eyes and covered my ears. When I opened them again Bumblebee wasn't moving and Knockout was walking towards me.
"YOU KILLED HIM?!?" I screamed.
"No all I did was immobilized him. I let Lord Megatron do the killing." He replied almost calm. He pulled a can out and sprayed me. Almost immediately I started feeling woozy and tired. All I remember is Knockout picking me up before I fell asleep.
When I woke up I didn't feel like I was on earth anymore. Everything was like huge and made for things really big. Everything was metal and wires. I looked around. I saw Bumblebee against a wall with some sort of electrical handcuffs. He was hanging from the ceiling his feet were tied together. He looked at me and started beeping and buzzing again like he was trying to talk to communicate with me. I heard giant footsteps on the metal and a metal door screeching open. I turn around and see another giant robot. I try to run but that's when I realize that I'm tied down. The robot walks over.
"I'm Lord Megatron, welcome aboard The Nemesis."

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