Episode 24: One Month Later

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Power Rangers GPX Supercharged, episode 24: One Month Later

:-:-:-: We're the best damn chance you got, :-:-:-:
Pow-wer Rang-gers G-P-X, let's go!

Start your engines, lift the green flag high
We're taking the lead, we're here to save the day
Stare our enemies down, our victory is nigh
There's a battle to fight, WE'RE NEVER GIVING UP!

Stand up, take your chance, we're here and will unite
We're ready, and we're gonna take them down
They can't beat us, we're united in our fight
We're invincible, and we're never gonna die!

We're the defenders of the human race,
Power Rangers G-P-X, GO!
We're never gonna lose the race,
Power Rangers G-P-X, GO!

We're gonna save the day,
We're gonna save the day,
We're gonna save the day!

:-:-:-: POWER RANGERS GPX, GO! :-:-:-:

Col. Alan Greene, United States Army, had a few reasons to feel good. After the December 24, 2010 Battle of Madison, his Project was now truly legitimized in the eyes of the public. It had been an eventful three months leading up to the Battle, especially after the first two months earlier in the summer. During that time, humanity had learned things that until 2010, had been considered to be simple sci-fi or fantasy.

First, they found out aliens did exist. Now, the existence of aliens is not too hard to imagine, when you think about it, given how big the universe is. It's the other discovery that still has humanity confused.


That's right, Elves. Col. Greene rubbed his face. He remembered when he got the first reports about Elves attacking Madison, Wisconsin. This couldn't be real! Elves came right out of a fantasy novel or a fairy tail or a Christmas movie for cryin' out loud, how can Elves exist? In his forty-something years, the African-American Colonel never thought the likes of elves could ever exist.

Well, they do and they've pretty much forced humans to face the realities of living on Earth. They were relentless, fanatical, determined to wipe humanity off the face of the Earth for the planet's own good.

However, someone stood up to them.

Five—er, make that seven ordinary people, that is.

They came from all corners of the globe, first brought together in Tokyo last May. They were trained by the Project Col. Greene helped lead for close to ten years to fight off the alien invasion that turned out to be First Contact. The other First Contact however, was not foreseen. These five—seven—should have had a peaceful life. But their elven enemy had other plans.

Col. Greene looked around the conference table. Top brass in the US Military sat on each side of the table. Their eyes were all on him. "This seems familiar," he said. "I hope you all know why we're here. So last month, much of the city of Madison, Wisconsin was damaged in a massive attack by elves, just two days before Christmas. It was part of a larger campaign by the elves against us humans, supposedly God's Will.

"They were of course, resisted by the Power Rangers. And, after suffering a major loss, the Power Rangers managed to counterattack with the help of a few civilians and the Queen of the Elves, and sent the attacking Elves away with their tails between their legs."

"A nice story," said one of the generals. "Why haven't these elves attacked yet? It's been a few weeks."

"Yes, well, we're not entirely sure," said Col. Greene, "We don't have any spies in their midst. We have, however, been monitoring their communications, and from the information our translators have given us, they've been rather quiet."

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