Chapter 20 PART ONE

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  Alison's p.o.v

"So here it goes," I sighed as he took my hand in is. 

            3Years Ago

    "Alison honey, Seth is here," My mother called happily to me from down the steps. 

"I'll be right down. I'm finishing up getting ready now," I yelled back with excitement in my voice. I walked down the steps in my strapless skin-tight navy blue dress. I had my hair curled and up neatly and makeup to match my dress making my eyes pop. 
"Oh Honey, you look beautiful!" My mom gushed with tears in her eyes. 

"Oh Mom, please don't cry," I asked hugging her tightly. 
"Wow..... You look amazing," Seth gawked wide-eyed. I smiled and looked at the ground as my face got hot and flushed. 

"So do you," I said quietly. 

"Are you ready for the dance?"  He asked holding his arm out for me to take. I nodded and linked my arm with his. 

     We got the dance and he lead me in. "Here darlin' have a drink," He said pushing his flask in my face. 

"No thank you, I'd rather not," I politely declined. 

"Suit yourself honey," He laughed and took a swig. Two hours later and he was wasted off his ass.
"Can we go Seth? I'm bored and cold. We've been sitting out here for an hour and I want to go," I begged hopefully. 

"I booked us a room at the West Hampton Hotel down the street so I wouldn't have to drive you all the way home drunk," He laughed. 

"Seth! I can't stay out all night. I have school tomorrow and I want to go home," I argued. 

"Fine can we at least go to the hotel so I can shower?" He asked.

"Fine, but I'm driving," I huffed and helped him into the passengers seat before getting behind the wheel. "Where do I need to turn?" I asked angrily. 

"Make a left and go straight and we'll be there in about 5 minutes," He said taking another shot. I pulled in the hotel parking lot and checked us in. We walked into our room and he immediately passed out on the bed. I sighed and walked to the office and asked to borrow a phone being as mine was dead and I didn't bring a charger. 

"Malory, can you come pick me up from the West Hampton? I explain everything when you get here. Thanks,"  I said and hung up. After about twenty minutes she pulled up and i explained what had happened as she drove me home. 

"How was the dance?" Mom asked as I walked into the house.
"It was fun, I had a good time. Seth was very sweet," I lied. 

"Good, I hope you'll see him again soon. Your father and I really liked him," She said smiling before kissing me good-night. I walked up to my room and changed quickly into pajamas and set an alarm before crawling into my nice warm bed. I quickly fell into a light dreamless sleep. 

                                  2 years ago

      "Alison! Get your sorry ass down here!" Seth called from the kitchen of his apartment. 

"Coming!" I sighed and walked down the steps dressed for work. "What do you want?" I asked slightly rude. 
"I'm throwing a party tonight and you better fucking be here for it," He warned. 

"I can't stay over and party with you and your buddies tonight. I work the early shift tomorrow," I said shortly. 

"I don't really give a rat's ass Alison. You're going to be here. I'll pick you up after work tonight," He demanded walked away.

"I won't be there when you get there asshole!" I yelled at him instantly regretting my words.

"Excuse me?" He asked angry washing over his face. 

"I won't be there for you to pick up. I'm tired of you treating me like shit. I deserve so much better than you. You're a complete dick and I'm tired of it," I said standing my ground. My cheek was hot almost instantly before I felt the warm trickle of blood run over my lips. I was shocked. Sure he was an ass but he had never struck me before. I moved away from him still in shock when I heard his voice echoing in my ears.

"Oh my God, Ally, I'm so fucking sorry,"  He said tears in his voice. "I didn't mean it. I lost my cool. Oh my God," He repeated over and over again. 

"Stay the hell away from,"I muttered before walking out shock still written on my face. I could hear him yelling for me as I walked down the street going over what happened in my head. He hit me, twice. He's never hit. I can't believe what just happened. I was brought of my thoughts when someone stopped me. 

"Oh my God Ally, are you okay?"  A guy's voice echoed. 

"Mhm," I mumbled. 

"Alison!" My friend Theo screamed bringing me to reality. "What the hell happened to you?" He asked looking me over. 

"He... hit me," I stuttered. 

"He what? Who?"Theo asked getting angrier by the second. 

"Seth...." I trialed.       


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