Chapter 10

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                                                                                Drake's P.O.V

        We finished up in the house and I walked outside to apologize to Alison. I didn't mean what I said at all, it just kind of came out. I looked around and she was no where in sight. I walked around some more and heard some faint singing coming from the woods. I followed her voice and fond her siting on an old swing singing and talking to her mom. Why is she talking to her mom like she's dead? I wondered to myself. She finished singing and once she had stopped talking I ran up to her and apologized. "Let's go home," I said kissing her forehead. 

        We got back to the house and Kinzey ran up to her and hugged her with a huge smile on her face. "I like her Drake!" Kinzey exclaimed. 

"How do you know her?" I asked confused.

"I helped her find the front door," She giggled

"Well that was very nice of you," I smiled and hugged the little girl. Kinzey was brought into this family when her parents and sister were murdered by a gang. I've raised her like my daughter because there was no one else willing to do so, so I took her in. She's always been very well behaved and just likes playing and meeting new people.

        Alison and I walked into my room and sat down on the bed. "Is Kinzey your sister?" She asked with a curious face. 

"No, Kinzey was left at our door a few years ago when her her family was killed by a gang. No one wanted the responsibility of taking care of her so I took her in as my own. I've raised Kinsey as if she was my own daughter. I love that llittle girl more than I love my own life," I said smiling. 

"That's amazing Drake, you're good man," She said smiling and resting her head my shoulder. I looked over at her and smiled. 

                                                                        Alison's P.O.V

        I laid my head on his shoulder thinking about how he was taking care of a small child just because he wanted to give her a good life. He cares about  her more than he does anything. Maybe he isn't so bad after all. "Can I ask you a question?" I asked looking up at him.

"Of course, anything you'd like," He said with a smile. 

"Are you really in the mafia?" I asked curiously. 

"Yes, My father was in command until he got very ill. I took over his position and became the leader. I'm the prince of this mafia until my father takes his last breath," He said his eyes growing sad. 

"I'm sorry to hear about your dad. I hope he makes it," I said sadly. 

"Me too. He's my best friend and my teacher. I'm going to miss him," He said looking away from me. 

"It's okay to cry Drake," I said putting my hand on his leg. 

"I'm just going to miss him so much," He said the tears falling. I wrapped my arms around him and just held him as he cried. "I'm so sorry," He sniffled and wiped his eyes. 

"Don't be sorry, I've got your back Drake," I smiled kissing his cheek. 

"You're so amazing Alison. May I ask you a question?" He asked smiling.

"Of course dear," I said rubbing his leg. 

"Would you do me the honor of going on a date with me?" He asked the sparkle in his eyes returning. 

"I would be more than honored to go on a date with you," I said smiling. He leaned in and kissed me passionately on the lips. It caught me by surprise but I went with it and kissed him back. He placed his hand on the back of my head and before I knew it we were full blown making out. He pulled back and I opened my eyes. "Wow," Was all I could say. He smiled and kissed me again. 

"Would you like to have dinner with me tonight? I'll make something special," He asked glowing. 

"I'd love to," I smiled looking into his eyes as they sparkled. 

"That's great! I'll have Kinzey come get you when it's ready!" He yelled happily. He jumped up and literally ran out the door and down the hall. I walked out the door a few minuets later and saw Kinzey sitting on the floor crying, 

"What's the matter dear?" I asked crouching down next to her. She held up a doll and then one of its arms. 

"My dolly bro-broke," She cried putting her head in lap sobbing. 

"How about I fix it up for you?" I asked smiling at the young child.

"Really?" She asked looking up at me with snot dripping out her little nose.

"Yeah, would you like to help me fix her?" I asked wipping her nose up and wipping up the tears on her cheeks.

"Yeah!" She yelled happily. She hand me her doll and took my hand. We walked into Drake's room and I pulled my sowing kit from my jacket pocket. 

"Ready to play doctor?" I asked her handing her the string. 

"Yep!" She smiled happily up at me. 

"Alright I'm going to need you to hold that just like that okay?" I asked her with a smile. She nodded happily and started sowing the arm back on the doll. I went over the stiching a few times just to make sure it would stay on. About 10 minuets later I cut the string and handed her her dolly. "Now you have to be carful with her. We don't want to have to do another surgery," I said chuckling. She nodded happily and ran off to go play. "I think I can handle being here for awhile" I said to myself and laid down for a nap until dinner was ready. 

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