Chapter 7

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                Alison's P.O.V.

        School ended and I walked out the doors waiting for Drake. A few minuets later he pulled up in his black truck with Marco in the passengers seat. Marco opened the door and let me as he hopped into the bed of the truck. "How was school?" Drake asked smiling at me. "Long, boring, and suckish." I laughed as he drove down the road. "I'm gonna drop Marco off if you want to hang out after that." He said looking back to the road. "Sure, do you just wanna come back at my place and chill?" I asked grabbing my sketch book out of backpack. "That sounds great." He exclaimed. I opened the book and started sketching. "You're really good at that Princess." He said looking down at the picture of a girl sitting against a wall holding a single black rose by the stem with blood dripping down her hand. "Thank, it's my passion and what i want to do with my life." I said smiling at my work. "You'll do great if you keep that up." He smiled. 

        We dropped Marco off and headed back to my house. "How's things going with your dad?" He asked "Has he hit you anymore? I know that wasn't the first time Princess, so no need to lie." He soothed. "Well we don't really talk much anymore but whenever I do the slightest thing wrong he blows up on me." I stopped talking thinking about it. "Let me see." He said already knowing what had happened. I lifted my shirt to reveal 4 large bruises on my ribs. I saw the anger flar up in Drake and it scred me honestly. "I'll take care of it I promise." He said the anger not going down. "Drake it's fine." I said putting my hand on his. "It' not fine. A man should not lay a hand on a lady when it is not defense." He barked. "Calm down." I demanded. He took a few deep breaths and looked at me with worry in his eyes. "Alright, you say it's fine then it's fine for now but if it happens again you call me. Do you understand?" He asked. "Yes." I said as we pulled into my never ending drive way. 

        We got inside and my dad stopped me at the door. "Why didn't you come stright home form school young lady?" He barked. "She was with me." Drake boomed stepping infront of me. "You think just because you're so big and bad that you can do whatever you feel like. It doesn't work like that Drake. You don't own the world boy." Dad glared. "Go upstairs and shut and lock the door behind you." Drake ordered. I didn't object and went to go when dad grabbed my arm tightly. "She's staying down here." He boomed. "Let go of her now." Drake growled. Did he just growl? I wondered. "Like I said before boy, you have no power here. She is my daughter and I will do as I please with her." He spat throwing me to the floor. I went to get up and he kicked me in my already bruised ribs. "Leave her be! This is between us! It always has been!" Drake screamed. Dad knealed down and smashed my head against the floor causing my vision to go in and out. I finally just let darkness over come me.

                Drake's P.O.V.

        I watched as she finally slipped unconscience. I felt the anger build up in me and I lost it. I tackled him to the ground and pinned him there. "I swear to god if you even look at her again I kill you. I'm taking Alison and leaving." I spat spitting in his face. "Don't you even try to get up." I demanded. He complied and I picked her up oh so gently and carried her to my truck and drove away. We got to my house and I carried her to my room despite the looks I was getting from my people. I layed her down on my bed and closed the door, leaving her a glass of water on the night stand. I walked down the steps and ordered Chase to give me the details of the Lola situation. "Do you want me to just take you down to see her?" He asked. "Probably the better idea." I said shrugging my shoulders. 

        We got down there and I opened the door and saw Lola still chained to the wall but she was naked this time. It pained me to see her like this but it also made me angry remembering everything that happened. "How are you Lola?" I asked walking over to her. "I fucking hate you! You disgust me, you worhtless piece of shit!" She screamed spitting on me. I felt the anger bubble up in my body. "You hate me? Lola, You tried to over turn my position in the mafia, you cheated on me with my best friend that I've known since I was 4. I was going to ask you to be my bride, but instead I walk in on Jared balls deeo inside you. No Lola, you don't hate me. I really hate you." I said and slammed the door shut. "Drake?" I heard the very familliar voice of Alison calling from upstairs. I ran up the steps and found her looking into the doorway of the library. "Amazing isn't it?" I asked putting ym arm around her waist. "It is." She said amazed. "Do you have any pain killers? My head is killing me." She said grabbing the back of her head. "Yeah come on I'll get you to Ahlanah." I said as we walked down the hallway. "Drake.." She trailed worry lining her voice. "What is it?" I asked worried. "My head is bleeding." She paniced pulling her hand away to reveal a blood covered hand. "Ahlanah!" I screamed into the talkie. Ahlanha came running and grabbed Alison. "Hold on'a honey, we'a gonna get chu fixed up real nice." She said in her jamacain accent. 

        Well there you go the nexrt chapter of the book. I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did writing it. Will Alison have to go back to her parents? What about poor Lola? What about the marriage? Comment what you think :3 I love reading your thoughts ^-^



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