Chapter 9

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                        I don't understand, how can this be? My God it can't be true! I thought fraking out on the inside. So many thoughts were running through my head that I couldn't think straight. I stood up slowly and walked quietly and slowly to the hallway. "I have to get out of here," I whispered to myself. I looked around trying to find an exit. I met a small girl only about 5 years old running up and down the left hallway. "Hi, my name is Alison. What's yours?" I asked in a sweet voice.

"Master Drake said that it's not good to talk to strangers...." She said softly.

"I'm not a stranger, well I guess I am to you, but I'm Drake's girlfriend," I said smiling. 

"Oh! Well I'm Kinzey!" She giggled excitedly. 

"Well Kinzey, do you know where the exit is?" I asked looking at her with a happy smile.

"I sure do! You go down this hallway and make a righty, then go down that and make a lefty," She smiled happily. 

"Thank you so much sugar," I said hugging the little girl and let her back to playing. I walked down the hallway and took a sharp right, went all the way down and took a left, low and behold there was the front door. I ran outside and took off down the street. I had to get home before it was to late. I kept running until I got to my house. 

        By the time I got there my head was throbbing and I could barely see straight. I ran inside and saw Drake with two boys and some girl with my dad tied to a wooden chair. "What the hell is going on?!" I yelled slamming the door shut. 

"Alison!" Drake exclaimed his face flushing pure red and surprise plastered onto his face. "I can explain," He muttered. 

"Oh this should be fun," The girl laughed meanly. 

"Shut the hell up Lola," Drake barked hatred flaring.

"Lola?" I scoffed. "Little miss betrayal?" I asked skeptical. 

"As a mater of fact, yes," She hissed. 

"Do not get sassy with me honey," I sneered. "Anyways, Drake, what the actual fuck is going on? Mafia? Power? Pleasure? Love? Please fucking explain this to me!" I said growing more and more angry. 

"I will explain after I am done," He said blowing it off. 

"No, you're going to explain it now," I demanded. 

"You know what? Go outside. You're only my pet," He scoffed. 

"Excuse me?" I asked, my own anger growing more and more rapidly. 

"Outside now!" He yelled. HIs voice startled me and I turned around and walked outside. I kept walking and went into the woods and over the bridge to my old favorite spot. I used to walk here all the time when I was little after my mom died. No one talks about her anymore because apperantly my stepmom is more important. My father had made me call her mom from the day he married, if I didn't I was sent to my room without lunch or dinner. I learned very quickly that iif I didn't start calling her mom I would end up dead because sometimes it was all day that I wasn't allowed to eat. I sat down on the old swing and started singing the song she used to sing me to sleep to.

"I dreamed I went to Heaven, you were there with me. We walked across the streets of gold and by the crystal sea. We heard the angels singing, someone calling your name, we turned and saw a young man he was smiling as he came. He said friend you may not know me now, but you used to teach my Sunday school when I was only eight, every day you'd say a prayer before the class would start and one day when you said that prayer I asked Jesus in my heart," I felt the tears slip down my cheeks and my lip started to quiver. "I'm so sorry mom, I failed you as a daughter." I cried as the tears just kept falling. "I can't even stand up for myself against dad or the boy I have to be with. He's nice until he's angry," I whispered. It was finally relaxed again. I was able to just be who I am and really let it out. I was talking to my mom again. I felt free for that short time. 

"Alison! What the hell are you doing all the way out here?" Drake asked running up to me. 

"I was waiting outside,"I hissed. 

"Alison, I am so sorry. I was just really angry and Lola was pissing me off and your dad was making me angry. Please forgive me love," He begged tears filling his big brown eyes. 

"It's fine," I sighed and hugged him. 

"Thank you so much, now let's go home," He smiled kissing my forehead. 

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