What he likes about you Thorin & co.

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Bilbo- he likes that you love to garden and bring in the outdoors. He loves to watch you doing your thing

Thorin- he likes your bravery. How you take everything head on. From battling orcs to pranking the rest of the company

Fili- he likes your selflessness. How you put everyone's needs before yourself

Kili- he likes your humor. The two of you pull the most pranks on everyone

Bifur- he likes your patience. How you take time to be with him and try to learn/understand what he is trying to say

Bofur- he likes how you are good with your hands. And how you can make anything you set your mind to

Bombur- he likes that you are a really good cook. And he gets excited every time you are cooking

Balin- he likes how you are a lot like him in a sense. How you are giving everyone advice and some words of wisdom

Dwalin- he thinks you are a badass. How you are training a lot and messing around with your weapons

Nori- he likes how you are able to steal from him, the thief, and finding out later on that he is missing something

Dori- he likes how you mother everyone in the company. You practically become a soccer mom

Ori- he likes that you love to read. He sees you reading a book almost every night and likes getting advice on books from you

Gloin- he likes that you are always a great listener and when you need to be a shoulder to cry on

Oin- he likes that you take an interest into what he does

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