How he asks you out Thorin & co.

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Bilbo- he asked you on your birthday. He had Gandalf make a firework that said "will you go out with me

Thorin- he asked you out the day before Smaug happened. He had taken you out to a meadow saying that Dís was "there" and that she wanted to show you something

Fili-he asked you out on the day before Durin's day when the group had split up. He was quite drunk too.

Kili-he asked you out when you guys were in the troll caves. He had found you a necklace

Bifur- he asked you out by making you a unique gift and had Bofur translate for him. He asked you after the Battle of the Five Armies happened

Bofur- he sang you a song while you where in Rivendell

Bombur- he thought you were special enough to make you breakfast in bed on your birthday as his way of asking you out

Balin- he asked you at Bilbo's house. He was straight to the point

Dwalin- he asked you out after you decided to join the company and proved your worth

Oin- he asked you out after the battle of the five armies while you were sick because he was scared of losing you

Gloin- he asked you out when you were above the goblin entrance. It was kinda rushed because you started to fall

Ori- he asked you out on your birthday but he was to nervous to do it so he gave you a letter

Nori- you were in the troll cave and he kept bringing you things

Dori- he kept babying you to the point where you just asked him if he wanted to date you

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