His Reaction to When You Tell Him You're Pregnant Thorin & co.

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A/n some may be in detail, while others may not be.

Bilbo- he faints once he hears the good news

Thorin- he got very happy and loud then quiet and calm real fast

Fili-you two were playing charades with the entire company and when it was your turn you silently told everyone you were pregnant. His reaction was priceless. His jaw dropped and he kinda just curled up into a fetal position.

Kili- you decided to prank him by having Oin tell him that you are in severe pain and are in the infirmary. Once he rushed over there you said "If you rush over here when I'm not in any pain whatsoever, I'm not worried about you rushing over here when I am in labor." After that all he could do was open and close his mouth. He was at a loss for words.

Balin- he couldn't help but just smile for the rest of the day while thinking about how he is going to be a father.

Dwalin- he didn't know how to react being the macho man that he is.

Ori- he just started babbling about how excited he was and then he hurriedly wrote it down.

Dori- he just broke down into tears once you told him that he was going to be a father

Nori- he was happy and nervous that he wasn't going to be a good father to your child(ren).

Bifur- he was elated. He was yelling out in Kuzdul out of happiness

Bofur- he was so excited that he burst out into song

Bombur- he was so excited that he ran out of the room and came back several hours later with a beautifully decorated cake

Gloin- he was so happy that he wanted to tell Oin right away.

Oin- he was so happy, but being the healer that he is, he immediately did a full check up on you.

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