Funny gift he gives you Thorin & co.

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Bilbo- an acorn

Thorin- a jewel cause your his 'jewel'

Fili & Kili- some woodland animal that they trained to follow you around

Dwalin- a flower (you find it funny cause he usually is so gruff and has a warrior demeanor to him)

Balin- a list of books that he wants you to read with a date next to it

Ori- a slingshot even though you are a skilled warrior

Nori- something he stole on one of his many adventures

Dori- a wash cloth because you are always getting dirt on yourself

Bifur- a piece of the axe in his head with something he made

Bofur- a hat that looks a lot like his

Bombur- a cake. He can't seem to stop cooking

Gloin- a smaller version of his weapon so the two of you can match while fighting

Oin- a medical kit for when ever you accidentally hurt yourself

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