How He Hugs You Thorin & co.

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Bilbo-his are very awkward no matter how it is done

Thorin- from the front and squeezes

Fili- he hugs you from behind. He tends to do it when you are least expecting it and scares you

Kili- same as fili

Balin- prefers a head butt

Dwalin- he doesn't do hugs so a head butt will do

Bifur- his are basically you hug then you get a clap on the back then it's over

Bofur-he'll spin you every time you hug

Bombur-it's kinda hard to hug so you'll just do a side hug

Ori- his are short and sweet

Nori- you tend to not hug him because you don't want anything to get stolen

Dori- his are very motherly

Gloin- his hugs are very brotherly

Oin- he can't really hear you so you just pat him on the back

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