Chapter Three

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Fatal Attraction

Chapter Three

"We're here," Betharno announced, gesturing across the acres of land, with the flora and fauna moving in sync with the gentle breeze.

"You said to count to three!" Vix bellowed. Out of rage, she raised her foot and landed it on Betharno's.

He yelled out in pain, hopping about on his unharmed foot. "What the hell was that for woman?"

With her arms crossed, she stated bluntly. "You lied. I hate liars."

Betharno shook his head in disbelief. "I can't believe you're bothered by that instead of where we're at right now."

That was when Vix noticed she was no longer in the foul-smelling alley.

Vix studied where she stood, the waves lapping the pristine white shore gently. The moonlight shone down and reflected in the slow peaceful water on the lake. Wow, this is breathtaking; I've never seen anything quite like this. Amidst the lush green all around, majestic coconut tress lined up as if for a guard of honour.

"Are we still on earth?" She managed to utter.

"Well, not quite. We've entered a different dimension. This, is Trideria," his face lit up as he mentioned Trideria.

"This is not real. I'm dreaming," Vix pinched her arm. "Ow!"

Betharno sniggered at her silliness. "What you see is only a fraction of what exists here. Everything you see is not based on your imagination. It's all real."

"What are you saying? This is a joke, right?" Vix looked all around from side to side. "How did we get here?"

"Me," he answered nonchalantly, shrugging his shoulders.

Her eyebrows scrunched together in a tight knit. "How?"

"A quarter cup of Faith, a quarter cup of Trust and a whole lot of dashing good looks."

Vix stuck her fingers in her mouth, mimicking the motion of a gag. "Dashing good looks? Psh. You're probably... only about a 6."

His hands hung to the side after her rating. "What, a 6? Come on, that's below average."

"Maybe because you are..." She muffled a laugh when she noticed Betharno's crestfallen face.

In all honesty, he looked pretty dashing. His chocolate brown hair ruffled by the cooling breeze, charcoal black eyes and a well-structured jawline. Decent height of five foot eight and decent body structure, albeit he leaned towards the skinnier end on the scale.

The only thing anyone could possibly nitpick on was the scar that went right across his left eye. It resembled a cut from a small weapon, a knife maybe. Yet the tip of it was outlined like a serpent.

"I'm a six? How can it be? Six? Below average? A six."

"Still on it Burrito?"

"Enlighten me," he stopped pacing around and looked straight into Vix's eyes. "How am I a six?"

"Enlighten me," she started, a response identical to his. "How did I end up here?"

Berthano pondered over it before nodding his head. "Fine. You tell me why I'm a six and I'll tell you how we got here. Deal?"

"Deal," she nodded back. "Well, you're a little skinny for your height, like a twig. A huff of wind and snap! And-"

He prompted when she hesitated to continue on. "And?"

Fatal Attraction (NOT completed, midst of editing)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن