Chapter Six

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Fatal Attraction

Chapter Six

“Vix, this is Queen Mesula,” Venom introduced as soon as Vix and her stepped foot into the palace where Her Highness awaited their return.

Casting a glance at Her Highness, chills blasted up Vix’s spine. A look could tell she was no longer young; her face was slightly wrinkled on her forehead and to the sides of her eyes.  Her hair despite a flaming red had visible white strands in them. Her authoritative albeit petite frame was accentuated by her bob cut and the sequined fabric she had on complimented her pale skin.

Seriously, does everyone look so good in this dimension?

“Welcome Vix, it’s a pleasure to finally meet you,” Her Highness smiled, displaying a set of beautiful teeth. “My, the rumours are indeed fitting; you already are a ravishing beauty in your human form. You’ll be alluring after your transformation for sure.”

“Look, I have no clue as to what you’ve just said. All I need are answers,” Vix announced, her arms crossed in front of her.

“How dare you, you have shown no respect for our Queen,” Venom exclaimed, an angry frown creasing her forehead. Vix let out a whimper out of intimidation before Her Highness spoke out.

“Venom,” she started, humour playing in her eyes. “Do not be rude. You can leave for now, there are other tasks awaiting your approval.”

“Yes, Your Highness,” she bowed, taking her leave, but not before sending a dreadful glare in Vix’s direction.

“So, Vix. You want answers? That’s exactly why you’re here. What burning questions do you have?”

Vix blurted as soon as she received her cue. “Who am I?”

Her Highness grinned, letting out a tiny chuckle. “You, Vix, are like the rest of us here. A Succubus.”

“A S-Succubus?” She frowned, choking on her words.

“Yes, my dear. You belong here in Zenfreia like your mother, until he took her away,” her voice ascended into a murderous falsetto as she finished her sentence.

“Who’s he? My father?”

“It’s beneath you to call him that, Vix.”

“My parents,” Vix hesitated for a split second before she started once more. “Venom told me they were murdered. What happened? Didn’t they perish in a car crash?”

“That was what they made you believe. Vix, darling, did you ever see their bodies?”

“Yes, but they were charred beyond recognition.”

“Precisely. You never did see them. They were executed by the Lord of Trideria, whom I believe you have met, to death by a broken heart. They had long been separated by the dreadful ruler of Trideria. The people you had been living with were merely clones of your parents, easily accomplished with magic. The punishment meted out is the most painful and excruciatingly torturous form of disciplinary action where one willows away day by day.”

“Why did he do that?” Vix’s voice trembled, reluctant to take in what she had just heard. Her heart felt like it had been ripped from her body as she collapsed onto the floor upon hearing the tragic news. Tears welled up in her eyes and began rolling down her cheeks like rivulets.

Her Highness simpered at her devastated state. Yes, yes. Third time’s a charm.

Right there and then, Vix yelled out in pain before passing out. Her skin was peeling, revealing translucent scales tainted a midnight blue while her mahogany hair turned magenta. Her eyes took on a deep violet, apparent through her now translucent eyelids and her lips a venomous black. Her Highness let out an evil cackle. She succeeded. Vix had so much potential in her, a reflection of her mother as evident in her gorgeous scales, an extreme beauty envied upon in the Succubus world, Zenfreia.

Fatal Attraction (NOT completed, midst of editing)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang