Chapter Five

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Fatal Attraction

Chapter Five

"They're gone!" 

"Continue searching. Don't lose sight of them."

Ranch and Vix came to a halt, panting rapidly as they tried regaining their breath. "We'll be safe here."

Vix took in a big gulp of air, examining what stood before her. Oh wow, a carnival. Mind-boggled, she turned to face Ranch. "Who were those people that were following us?"

"Jeremy's followings."

She waved her arms around, exasperated by what she just heard. "He had gone too far!"

"Well, they are no longer on our trial so how about we push the incident to the back of our mind and just have fun. After all, we are in a carnival." 

Her heart pounded in excitement as she walked briskly to the ticketing booth.

"So Vix, tell me more about yourself. Why did you transfer to another school mid-term?"

"Well, I was attending a boarding school for the past few years. That was until my-" she stopped short, choking in tears. 

"It's okay if you're not comfortable with it."

"No no that's okay. My parents passed away last summer."

Ranch seemed to tense up at the mention of her parents. 

"What happened?"

"Car accident. A reckless driver rammed into them while they were parked in a petrol kiosk. The whole area exploded. Only my parents and the driver died in the crash. The others managed to escape unscathed."

"Wow, that must be extremely traumatising for a seventeen year old to go through."

"It was hard initially, but I have gotten used to it more or less by now. I'm thankful for my mum's friends, Jeremy's parents, for taking me in. They don't have to but they did anyway,” she shrugged her shoulders slightly before looking up at him. “What about you?”

"Me? I'm just a boy next door. Nothing really significant occurred in my life,” he responded as he handed ten dollars over to the booth manager in exchange for carnival tickets.

"Oh come on, there must be something. What about your conflict with ‘The Elites’?"

"We actually started out on pretty good terms. They were nice and amicable but one day they just flipped on me, accusing me for things I didn't do. It hit me pretty hard at that point, being turned against for something that you didn't do by people whom you thought were your friends. It made me feel really bad about myself. My parents came to know about this and told me that as long as I know I didn’t do it, that’s all that matters and that I deserve better friends than them. So yeah, that's basically it. I hope I didn't bore you," he let out a slight laugh.

"No, not at all. I can't believe they did that. To think I thought Jeremy was a nice guy."

"You can't blame them. I find it strange that they would befriend me in the first place. Just look at me," he motioned himself from head to toe. "I'm worlds apart compared to them. I'm not popular nor good looking."

"That's not true. You look dashing to me," she grinned from ear to ear as she praised him.  

"Nah, you don't have to comfort me. I know my limits. Come on, let's not dwell on it anymore. We're at a carnival and I got ourselves some tickets. Where do you want to play at?"

She gave the area a good glance. There was the Ferris Wheel, a coaster, carnival booths and many more. "Hmm, I would really like to win that unicorn hanging by that booth!" She pointed to the huge pink unicorn hanging by the side. "But 'Toss The Ring' is a pretty difficult game, to get one of the ring into the neck of the bottle. I've tried it once with my parents. We got a hundred rings each but we didn't manage to win a consolation prize even. Let's just play something else."

Fatal Attraction (NOT completed, midst of editing)Where stories live. Discover now