Chapter Four

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Fatal Attraction

Chapter Four


Vix was awake. She had not slept a wink during the night. Her eye bags and dark circles were pronounced from the lack of sleep. 

She knotted her hair into a messy bun, too lazy to smooth it out. Slipping into her uniform, she grabbed her bag and headed to school. Time check, 6am, one and a half hours more to her first class. 

Lawrence Springs was not too far away. A half an hour walk would suffice. Besides, she clearly needed the time alone to think through all that had happened last night. 

First it was Trideria, now there's Zanfreia. What do they want with me?


"Mind if I joined you?" 

"I do," Vix replied, her eyes never once left what she was writing on. 

"I wouldn't want to bother you but there are no available seats elsewhere," he answered, desperation lined within his voice. 

She looked up and gave the area a glance. Throngs of people were filing into the area, the once empty tables that scattered across the checkered floors of the cafeteria were thoroughly occupied by now. "Fine," she agreed unwillingly, moving slightly to make space. 

"Thank you, I'm Ranch by the way," his charcoal grey eyes twinkled as he smiled. 

She merely nodded, mumbling her name to him. 

"Is that your diary?" Ranch tried again when he did not receive a response. "I write a diary too, I'm always all alone so I confide in my diary pretty often."

Her ears perked at that. "Yeah?"

"Yep, I was the outcast here, still am as a matter of fact. I used to be a part of the more popular crowd when I first entered this school."

"What happened?" 

"Well, 'The Elites' happened."


"Long story short, something unpleasant broke out between Michael and I. So, he decided to wage a 'war' against me with his clique of friends whom the school calls 'The Elites'. I wasn't as rich or as good looking and I didn't have the power to fight them, so when he decided to make me his enemy, I'm pretty much the entire student body's enemy as well."

"That's sad," Vix responded. Her concentration was still very much on the book laid before her. 

Ranch chuckled. "You're not one of many words huh?"

She nodded, earning another chuckle from him. 

"So Vix, do you consider me your friend now?"

Friends, you don't need them. More often than not, they are behind the trigger to the bullets that hit you.

"No, I don't make friends," her voice firm as she shut her book and stood up to leave. 

"Doesn't matter, I already consider you one," he shouted after her. If only- 

Ranch was slapped out of his trance when a spoonful of tomato sauce collided onto his face, staining his nude sweater with the splatters. Damn it. He was not bothered by the perpetrator for he was used to it by now. More came flying his way after the first. "Where do you think you're going?" He heard a voice he was way too familiar with just when he stood up to leave, to avoid further humiliation. 

Fatal Attraction (NOT completed, midst of editing)Where stories live. Discover now