Chap 1 Who's Your MAMA

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'Hello bitches' I said

Yep u heared me right
Todae *smirks* My gurls and I are heading for a party in a club Jessi owns

'Heeyy sexy. What do you plan to do till its time to leavee??' Jessi asked me, while Chaerin was dancing behind me for what i said earlier

'Lets just chill in Ailee's house' Chaerin suggested
'Yep Good idea. Ill call and tell her to keep the heater on. Its freeezing'
Jessi said as her teeth chattered

'Kay. Meet u later' i said.

'Bye babes' jessi said and cut the phone.

Chaerin and I started packing our stuff so that we could leave soon.
Just as we were about to leave,

'Ughh. Babe gimme a sec, let me answer the phone' I said and ran to the living room.

'Hello is it Mrs Jeon?' said a man

'No, its her daughter speaking, u could call afte-'

'Come to my house now. Im here'

Wait what?? A random guy calls me, interrupts me and then tells me to come to his house. Uhm Beach.. How about no.

'Wait who are you?? and why do you want me to come to your house??'

'Ughh. Stop asking questions. I live quite far away so, Gimme ur number, ill text the address'

Is this guy deaf?
And is he some pedophile or something
Kay calm down first tell him-
'No, im not gonna give u my number nor am i gonna come to your house you pedoph-'


He fucking cut the phone.
Screw you pedo

'Girl how long should i wait?? Im going' Chaerin screamed and slammed the door shut.

'Wait' I said and ran after her.
'I cant wait for tomorrow' said Ailee.

'Gosh stop talking about dates to us loners' I said.

'True dat' Jessi said and Chaerin nodded in agreement.

'Okaaay fine. Im going home its 3 am already' said Ailee yawning.

'Same gurls. Imma head home' Chaerin said and stretched her arms and legs.

'Guess we'll be leavin too' Jessi said and i nodded.

'Byeee' i said and waved and they waved back while leaving.

'Hope Mom kept the leftovers on the table' i said while rubbing my tummy
Kay its not my fault that everyone in my house is toooo lazy to grease the door

'Ji na?' I heard someone say

Shit. MOM. I promised to help her clean the house and dishes. Screw my life. May i rest in peace

'Hi mom' i said while faking a smile 'Aren't u tired from working all day?? Go to bed already'

'Why didnt u pick up the package??'
She yelled.

'Im soo sorry i totally lost track of t- Wait. What package??'

'Ur just like your dad. Cant trust you at all. Why didnt you see the post on the fridge??' She said grabbing my ear.

'Owww Mom let go' i screamed hitting her hands.

She let go and i started yelling back
'How would i know i have to check the fridge out of all things in the world mom???'

'Dont you do nothing except eat' she said

That hit me hard.
I didnt know whether i should be happy or sad.

'Its an important package for work and i need it nowww' she wined.

'U mean now'


'Like right now'


Bye sleep
'Why is this place like sooo far away' i said and got out of the car and rang the bell.

'And ive got such a wonderful mum who would send me to a pedo's house at 4 in the morning' i said hitting my head.

'Who's the pedo??'

'Oh a random man who ca-'

I froze as i saw a man in front of me SHIRTLESSSS
Instant nosebleed

'Oh its you' he said and pulled me inside his house

Yas. A suuuper long first chapter
Hope u liked it
And about kcon
Its in abu dhaaabbii
P.S i live there XD
The gods have answered my prayers
*does a ritual dance*
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