Chap 9 Confession

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Right after the ceremony was over, Jiyong went back to the crowd of people.
'Yo sis~'

'Jungkook?' I turned around and ran towards him
'Sorry Im late. The flight was delayed cuz of the snow' He said hugging me
'Its fine. I thought you wouldnt even come' I said relieved.
I finally have someone to talk to

'So MY noona is getting married' He said and I laughed
'Its Jiyong hyung right?'
When I heard his name my face instantly dulled
'Noona you okay?' He asked and I nodded

'You dont like him?'
I shook my head
'He doesn't like me kookie' I said resting my head on his shoulders

'WHAT?' He screamed and everyone looked at us
Including Jiyong
'Hey calm down would you' I said covering his mouth

'He told you he doesn't like you?'
'Actually no, bu-'
'Pabo noona. If he doesn't say it then dont assume things by yourself' He said flicking his finger on my forehead

'Owww. But he is not even looking at me or talking to me'
'Selfish much?' He said crossing his arms 'You wont understand how much we suffer'
I just raised an eyebrow

'Cuz we are the ones who are inheriting the company we should remember each one of their names, faces and talk to each one of them' He said holding my shoulders

'And moreover we must do stupid stuff that we don't wanna do because we need to have good relations with them' He interrupted and continued 'There was once this chick and I had to date her for 3 months. 3 Fucki-'

'Jeon Jungkook' I said crossing my arms 'Language'

'Sowwie' He said pouting 'but its been so long since I've heard that'

'What bout Jin?'

'Screw him'


'Fine sorry' He said and I laughed

'I missed your hyena laughing'
'I missed you too poophead' I said and we laughed

'Jungkook?' A man came and said
'Ah Mr Park How are you' He asked and whispered 'Sorry gotta go to the circle of boredom'
I giggled and patted his back

Oh how much I missed my idiotic bro
Is someone staring at me?
I turned back but I saw no one looking my way other than that chick Yoona
Screw her
But where is Jiyong?

'Met Jungkook?' Mom said
'Yep. He just left' I replied smiling
'This is the first time you smiled tonight' She said and hugged me 'Didnt you want to go to the balcony?'

'Oh yeah. I totally forgot because of the.... Ill go now' I said and rushed to the balcony

'Oh Hi'
Stop please
Or else Ill cry
'Hey' I said joining him and held the railing

'Enjoying the party?'


'Oh but it didn't seem like that'
Kay this beach wants to fight
Didn't seem like that??
Don't act like you dont know its your fault

'Don't act like you know everything' I said and he just looked at me as I looked forward

'Are you still angry?'

'What does it look like?' I replied not looking at him

'As we are engaged Im going to call you Yeobo from now on' He said smiling and I just looked forward in disbelief

He is suddenly acting as if nothing happened?
Does he think I am an idiot?
Yes I am an idiot, who fell in love with another one, a bigger idiot

'Guess what Yeobo??'
'What?' I asked pissed off
'I think I love you' He said pulling my hand towards him
The time has finally come *smirks*

'What did you say?' I asked in disbelief as he held my waist
He came closer to my ear and whispered
'I Love You'
'WTF Jiyong stop kidding' I said pushing him away but he still held my waist close to his body 'You always do this and I always believe you and then y-'
Why cant I speak?
Something is restricting me?
Why does my lips feel soft
No way!
Is he...

I pushed him away and gasped for air
'WHY DID YOU DO THAT JIYONG??? IT WAS MY FUCKING FIRST KISS' I screamed and hit him on his chest and my eyes started to give up

'Hey w-'

'I loved you but you never let me say it *sniff* and whenever we became close you took that time for being jealous *sniff* and shouted at me, I hate you so much *sniff* but I love you even more' I said and started crying loudly and he tried to console me but I pushed him

'I won't forgive you Jiyong, I can't' I said trying to go out but he pulled my hand towards him

'You've seen it anyway so its alright' I said trying to go away from him

'Are the people outside and me the same??' He asked looking hurt
'No, but Jiyong I can't take it anymore and you don't even care'

'You don't even let me care, then how can I? But please, I beg you, Let me explain for once'
'Okay' I whispered and he took his phone from his pocket

Jungkook's dream come true
Talking to The G Dragon
'Yes she's with me.... Can you distract everyone.. Yep sing... I will.. Dont worry... Kay Ill wait.. Bye'

'Why?' I mumbled

'Because they wont let me leave if we go out now and its freezing out here and you wore suc- I wanted to say this the moment you held my hand today- You look really beautiful with very light makeup and this black gown' He said showing his back to me but I had another question

'Then how did you come here?' I asked and even though I only saw his back I knew he froze for a second

'I was frustrated when I saw you smiling and laughing with jungkook while all I do is make you cry' He said rubbing the back of his neck

Music started playing and Jiyong put his hand forward and I held it tight as it was either ride or die
That song doe
So cayoot
'Ready' He asked and I nodded
Seriously guys
For the second time?
'Im sorry' He started breaking the silence 'I was jealous at your friend when you clearly didn't like him that way. I was just insecure' He said and I couldn't help but look over to him

'Im sorry I troubled you and made you cry. I really don't like Yoona one tad bit, but I was forced to meet her' He said sighing

Why was I angry with him?
Because he was with a girl?
Could I be even more immature?

'Im sorry I didn't talk or look at you when you came because I felt guilty without giving you an explanation. I never meant to make you cry at all and it makes me wanna punch myse-'

I interrupted him by kissing him
I knew that our love could not be expressed through mere words but actions
We both gasped for breath and rested our foreheads on each others and smiled

'You look handsome in this checkered suit' I said smiling and he smiled too
'I love you'
'I love you too'
Yo peeps~
I cant even believe it
This is my third chapter for today
I guess im even more interested cuz the story is actually moving forward

And the story cover tho
I loooooooove that picture
He looks so sexy and elegant and hot and cute at the same time
Thats my GD

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