Chap 17 Promises

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'Wanna eat something? You didn't eat all day' Jungkook asked 'and Im hungry'
'Ya don't use me as an excuse to eat' I said kicking his calf
'AAAIISSHH' Kookie said holding it 'Okay lets not go'
'Lets go somewhere to eat. I am hungry'
'I heard the Tacos are amazing here' Kookie said after parking the car
'I don't feel like eating Tacos' I said 'Lets have Pizza. I feel like having Pizza'
'Kay. But I wanna have a Mango smoothie when we're done' He said prancing across the mall
'Ya. Ballerina wait for me' I screamed and tried to catch up with that idiot
'Im so full I can't even breathe'
Guess who?
'I know right' He said linking his arms with mine
'You remember when you were young you would hold my hand and not let go. Eomma used to drop me first and then you and when I got down to leave, you would start crying and hold my hand'

'Really. Unbelievable. Now I just want to run away from you' He said and I pushed him away
'Says the guy who was whining that he wanted to spend time with his noona~~~' I said running away
'YAAAAAAHHH. WHY DID EOMMA TELL YOUUUU' He said chasing me and he finally caught me but when we looked up a random chick was glaring at us while crying

'I thought you were working, Well I can see how much you are with other girls. Is she also your colleague?' The girl said digusted and ran away
'Who's that?' I asked him
'My girlfriend. I didn't tell her I was visiting. SHIT. Sorry Noona. Here' He said and threw the car keys 'Ill probably be late today so don't wait for me and sleep'
I just stared at him as what was happening was not processing
'I promise' I said and shooed him away
After I couldn't see him anymore I turned and walked aimlessly with his smoothie in my hand

That idiotic brother didnt even introduce me to her
Hell, he didnt even tell me he had a girlfriend
I just used to tease him, but I really didnt know he had one
Did she think I was his side chick or something?

'What do I do now?' I said to myself and went inside a store tried out some dresses and came out
'Im bored' I said sulking and checked my phone 'And Its only been half an hour since he left'
'Wanna head to our house?' I heard a voice say
'Jiyong? Why are you here?'
'To apologise'
'For what? You did nothing wrong, I was just being delusional because you didnt want to kiss me'
'What? Was it just because of that?' He said laughing 'You could've just told me'
'But you didn't want to, so I-'
He cut me off with a kiss
This one was different from the other night's kiss
This was more harsh and passionate

I pushed him away after some time
'What now?'
'I can't hold my breath for that long' I said hitting his chest and he just smirked
'Wanna practice then?'
I just walked away
'Yaaa. Where are you going leaving your beloved fiancé behind?' He said laughing while chasing me
'I don't want that perverted fiancé' I said moving away from him and he pulled my waist closer to him

'I said don't move away from me' He said with a straight face 'Stay in my sight. Promise you'll stay with me'
Hey did you maybe flirt a little bit with me
'Did you just propose to me?' I said laughing and he got down on one knee
'Yaaa get up what are you doing in public people will start to gather' I said trying to pull him up but he didnt budge
'Jeon Jina Will you' He said and put his hand in his pocket and pulled out.. His fingers??
'Accept my heart?' He said cutely
I just stood there still
'Jina? You alright?' He asked standing up 'It was a good joke wasn't it?'
'Yeah' He said smiling
'Yeah?' He said puzzled
'Im out Jiyong. Just take your fucking ass home. Ill go on my own' I said and walked away
'Jinaaaa~ Open the door sweety~'
'Don't fucking sweety me'
'Im sorry'
'The value of a sorry is lost Jiyong if you keep on making a mistake and easily say sorry after'
'Then what am I supposed to do?'
'Let me cool down and stop bothering me'
'Okay' He said and I heard footsteps leaving and the sound of a car go
'Finally peace' I said and layed down on the sofa to watch some TV

-A couple of hours later-
'Im hungry once again. Should I order som-'
'The weather tonight has reached -25°C. I advise you all to not leave outside tonight'
'So no takeway. Ill make something from scratch so I won't feel bored'
*Drip drop drop*
'Is it Jiyong? UGHHHH Does he not understan- Oh its Mum'
'Hi dear'
'Hi mom. Kookie contacted you?'
'No. Why is something wrong?'
'...No its nothing'
'Tell me if something's wrong okay?'
'Yep. Anyway why did you call?'
'I totally forgot. Is Jiyong with you?'
'No why?'
'He isn't picking his phone up and we have to release the news to the reporters by tomorrow'
'About the marriage?'
'Yeah. If you see him, tell him to contact Mr Yoon'
'But Yoon told me he was with you'
'He left long back. Ill call you when I know'
'Okay Bye'

Dont tell me this idiot isnt answering anybody because I am not talking to him
But where's Kookie its been so long?
Ill keep the door open just in case

I opened the door and something leaned on my leg
Is it a creature?
A skunk?
I looked down and saw it was-
'Girls take a long time to cool down don't they?' He said smirking and closed his eyes
'Jiyong you idiot open your eyes' I said shaking his shoulders
It was deadly cold outside
'Promise me you'll never leave me'
'I promise'
Hope you guys liked it cause Im really sick and dead basically
Ill update next week as the weekend is over

Him.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora