Chap 11 Picnic

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For the first time in forever I wasn't grumpy in the morning
I was actually pretty happy cuz
Jiyong asked me out on a date


'Ahjussi can u please shut up' I said trying to stab him with my nails
'Kk. I am not sleepy' He said pouting and hugging me from behind

'Didn't I tell you once you wake me up its really hard for me to sleep again' I said pushing his hands off my waist but he held on even more tightly

'I know. Thats why I woke you up' He said nuzzling his head on my neck
'Fuck you Kwon Jiyo- It tickles stop' I said trying to turn but he started tickling my sides

'Ji fucking Yong. I warn y- BWAHAHA'

'God quiet down will ya. Your parents are asleep' He said
'Says the guy who started it. Effing silent killer' I said facing him
'Not my fault you're tooooo cute' He said pinching my cheeks

'You want me to stab you with my nails?' I asked and he shook his head
'Attaboy' I said laughing in victory 'Now sleep'
Version Satan 2.0

'I can't. I have to leave' He said getting up 'Mom just texted me to come home'

I just looked at him with worry

'Don't worry, Its for work' He said hugging me
'Jiyong, Try not to let her take control of you cause I don't like to see her beat you up' I said holding his cheek which had a cut on it

'Don't worry I won't let her' He said and I helped him put his jacket on

'When will I see you next?' I asked when he opened the door to his car

'Why miss me?' He said smirk-laughing while turning behind
New word in me dictionary
It should be a word

I just nodded looking down trying not to look sad when I send him off
I felt like I was writing this when he was going to the army

'Hey. You why so serious' He said lifting my face to face him and I nodded
Why so serious
Come on gurlsss/
Why so serious yeaaahhhh
Sherlock *smirklaughing*
'Thennnn' He thought 'Lets have a picnic tomorrow'

'You have time to?' I asked and he just nodded
'Be ready at 10. Ill bring the blankets and I guess I can trust you with the food?' He said entering the car
'Then its set' He said starting the car

'Byee~' I said waving and he just stared
'Goodnight and goodbye kissie?' He said puckering his lips
'Get lost. In your dreams'

'Says the girl who missed me a few moments back'
'Fuck off'
'You're swearing a lot today'
I just showed him the middle finger

'Im leaving cuz I'm late but tomorrow I want three'
'Why one more?'
'Good mornin' kiss' He said smirking and then drove off

*End of flashback*
'So what do I makeee~' I said while going to the kitchen
'For what?' My mom said
'Oh mom you didn't leave yet?'

'The meeting was cancelled so I came back to nap for sometime'
'Ohhhhhhh~ Mom what do you make for a picnic? Like what food items?' I asked drinking water

'Ask Jiyong what he wants to eat and both of you discuss. Don't make a lot because It'll all go to waste'

'Thanks mommyyy~' I said kissing her cheek and she went to the living room

Should I call him or text him?
Its better to text because he will probably be busy


After 3minutes

Kwon-Omg so much luv todayy
Miss me soooo~ much

Jeon- In your dreams poophead
What do you want to eat?

Kwon-Ohhhh your remember
I thought you would've forgotten for sure

Jeon-Of course I did
Anyway what do you want.. Fastt
I have to make all this in an hour

Kwon- Its in an hour????
I dont think I can make it in time

Jeon- Juggulaee? (wanna die?)
You were the one who told it was at 10

Kwon- Im sooo sorry~
Ill pick you up when Im done

Jeon- .......K.

Kwon- Are you pissed off?


Kwon- Oh my baby is angryy~

Jeon- Dont call me 'your baby'

Kwon- But you are MY baby~
You actually left

*End of chat*
Yes I left
cuz if I continued then I would'nt be able to make any food
Now let the games begin
I am no culinary expert so
Imma just skip her making the food

*After 1 and a half hours*
'All done' I said and sighed
Where is he?

'Oh you finally thought of comin-'
I looked up and was shocked
Hey guys
Im sorry I didnt update for long (according to me) but I hope you like this chap even tho its short

I wrote Kwon and Jeon cuz their first 2 letters are similar

Make sure to comment and vote

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