Chap 18 Distance

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'Why did you do that?' I said while dragging him inside 'Were you out of your mind?'
'You only told me to wait' He said sulking 'How long do you take to cool down? You should have come out. It is REALLY cool'
'You don't fail to joke even now?'
'Why so serious babe?'
See what i did there? 😈
'Kwon Jiyong'
'Imma kick you out now'
'But I just-'

'Will you be quiet?' I said and entered the kitchen
'I told you to shut up'
'YAAAAAAH' I screamed 'WHAT?'
'You just left me in the doorstep' He said while his teeth chattered
'Oh sorry' I said and helped him get up and he was really freezing cold
I am such an idiot
I couldn't even take care of my inability to take it as a joke
I should stop being so serious

'Are you crying?' He said trying to see me clearly but I pushed him on the sofa
'I know you were dominant but not like this~' He said creepily smirking
'BYUNTAAAAAAAEEEEEEE' I screamed and sat on the next sofa
'Hey its cold' He said and patted the space next to him
I felt guilty so I did as he said and he was shocked

The lights suddenly dimmed and I just stared wide eyed at him but he had a fixed gaze on me
Trying to change the mood I said 'Wann-'
He cut me off by coming closer and closer to me and soon I reached he edge of the sofa
'Didn't you wanna do stuff like this?' He asked me but he didnt budge
I didnt say anything and he just got up
'There is the reason. That's why I dont want to force myself on you' He said and walked towards the door

'Wait' I said standing up 'Jiyong listen to m-'
'There is nothing to say' He said
'Don't leave now'
'Didn't you see your reaction alre-'
'It started snowing. You can't leave until the weather becomes better. Its dangerous' I said and reached to pull him but he just took his phone out
Uhmmmm Beach?
'Yoon come and pick me up...... Hello...... HELLLLLOOOOOOO... SHIT IT GOT CUT'
'Are you an idiot? Do you not care about anybody other than yourself? Its DANGEROUS. CANT U HEAR???' I shouted at him but he cornered me to the wall and placed his hand next to my face

'Care about others?' He said and smirked 'I don't wanna'
'You're just a spoiled brat'
'Yes I am. That's why I was allowed to choose who I wanted to marry'
'What are you trying to say? That you were forced to like me?'
'You can say it that way' He said
That's not the Jiyong I know speaking. He would never hurt me like this
Why do I feel so cold?
Is it because of the weather?
But my eyes feel warm
The tears are involuntary
I wish I could stop them, but because Im weak, I can't

'Get out'
'See your true "selfless" nature is shown now' He said laughing 'Who said I was gonna stay in this place'
He got out and Yoon-ssi just arrived and escorted Jiyong to the car. Yoon-ssi tried to give me a smile but realized that something wrong had happened and just pressed his lips and entered the driver seat

I just slammed the door and slided down the door and cried till my eyes were really tired and poofy. It was 12 and Jungkook still didn't arrive. He did tell me not to wait for him but I wanted someone to tell this to and a shoulder to cry on

I prepared some food for Kookie and left it in the fridge. I lost my appetite and just sat in my room till i heard the bell ring
I got up to open the door but the tears started flowing and I just hugged him when I opened the door
I looked up and saw...
I updated really late because of silly reasons
1. School
2. School
3. Exams
So yeah
Hope you like this short update
I just keep getting different ideas
I keep wanting to have 20 endings for a chapter but as you can see updating once is only great
Ill try to update more frequently
Hope to gain everybody's continuous support

And all the new readers welcome to the OPENED RICE ISLAND where we will hopefully have fun
If you guys want to see something different make sure to comment about it and Im open to all your comments and suggestions. Feel free to ask questions

Have a wonderful day:)

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