Chapter One - Lunch

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•Five Months Later

Anna's POV

Life is simple nowadays, filled with love, the only tears falling are from laughter and happiness. Everything is the way it should be, the way it was destined to be. Harry and I are husband and wife, our baby is healthy and growing day by day, just like the love we have for each other. Not a day goes by that I don't thank the heavens that I have my Hazza back. And I know the same is true for him. Sometimes I can't believe that we've come this far; Direction is no more, the feud between Dylan and Harry is now forgiven, Harry and his sister have been spending time together again, and Liam is out of our lives. That's correct, he's gone, Liam made his decision and chose a life in prison rather than to stare at the end of Harry's gun. And prison is where he will stay.

Ezra lost his way after he found out about Harry and I... Sadly he chose the life of alcohol and drugs... No one has seen or heard from him since the wedding. Apparently he tried to crash it, but Zayn put an end to it, whatever that means. To tell you the truth I don't really want to know. I've put that life behind me and have only been looking forward. It took me a while to realize it, but no one can change their past, the only solution is to try and enjoy their future. For me, Harry, and Shaya, I think that small goal is achievable.

Harry's alarm interrupts my thoughts. He groans and smacks at it trying to shut it off. Failing miserably, I climb on top of him and shut the alarm clock off myself, kissing him quickly on the lips once the horrid noise ceased to exist "morning sweetheart" he mumbles, his chest vibrating due to his gravely morning voice and sleepy state. I giggle "morning" "I hate that damn clock" I pout, in mock sadness "but I bought it for you" he laughs "and that's why it is still on the table, darling" I shake my head and roll off of him "can't you stay home today? Louis is there, he wouldn't mind covering for you" Harry and Louis went into business together, they opened up a boxing gym once Direction was officially done with. "I can't, we've got lessons lined up today" he smirks "and everyone knows I'm a much better fighter than Lou" I nod "true true" he rolls over and gets off of the bed "lunch though, around two-thirty?" He asks "that sounds good baby" he bends down and kisses me "then it's a date"

Two-thirty couldn't have come quick enough, with Harry running the gym and giving personal lessons there too it's been harder to spend time with him, this lunch is just what we all need "Shay, come on sweetie it's time to see daddy!" I holler for her and she comes running into the kitchen, her favorite teddy bear in her hands "mummy can I bring Pinky?" I giggle and pick Shay up "of coarse, go get your shoes and I'll put them on for you" I kiss her nose and set her back down, watching, with a smile on my face, as her little legs run into the living room.

Harry's POV

"Harder! Hit the bag like you mean it, like you hate it and want it dead" I chuckle at Louis' instructional advice "c'mon this punching bag just f.ucked your girlfriend and your mum-" I place a hand on Louis' shoulder, stopping his sentence before he makes things worse. "Can I borrow you for a minute Lou?" He looks at me and nods "take five mate, good job"

"I'm having lunch with the girls soon, They'll be here any minute" I tell Louis as we walk into my office "and I need you to look after the gym for a while" he smirks and looks at me "what?" I ask, he shakes his head "same old Harry, you'll never change will you?" "look, everything has been going good with Anna and I don't want to mess things up-" Louis holds up his hand, putting an end to my rant "Harry I will always have your back, you don't have to tell me what to do. If Anna walked in here right now everything would be fine" I take a deep breath "No it wouldn't-" "I put everything in the safe this morning" he laughs "your forgetting mate, Anna tells me everything. I knew you were having lunch before she even brought it up to you" my jaw drops, literally I had to close my mouth "b-but I asked her to go to lunch" "did you? or did she make you ask her? think about it Haz" I chuckle "holy s.hit" Louis comes up behind me and pats my back "welcome to married life mate, breath it in, breath it in"

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