Chapter Two - Discovery

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Anna's POV

Lunch went well with Harry and Shay, we decided to go to a little cafe and have some tea and sandwiches. Nothing extravagant and that's just the way I like it. I'd much rather go to a cozy little restaurant, then a big fancy one where it cost $50 for a tiny plate of food.

Harry didn't really talk during lunch and I found that odd, but I didn't push it. Making him mad is the last thing I'll ever want to do. Even though everything is going great with him and his anger issues, I'm still cautious around him when he acts frustrated.

"HOWS MY LITTLE NIECE!?" Louis yells when he sees us coming into the gym. Shaya runs up to him and jumps into his open arms. "Hey Anna" he says to me, smiling.

I giggle "hi Lou"

Shaya squeals and says "uncle Louis can I go in big box?"

The big box she's referring to is the boxing ring. Harry always let her play in there when it isn't occupied. "Absolutely" Harry says, leaving my side and taking Shay out of Louis' arms.

I watch in content as my baby play boxes with her daddy. He pretends that she knocks him out and she gets a big kick out of that. It's adorable. That's one thing Harry has never messed up... being a dad. He loves Shay unconditionally and wouldn't dare do anything to jeopardize their relationship.

"So how was lunch?" Louis asks, sitting beside me

I smile and look at him "it was good, Shaya got a mint tea that she absolutely loved, I have a feeling I'll be going back there soon to get her another one."

"And Harry?"

I shrug "he was quiet, it's okay though. He's probably stressed out about work"

He nods "or something else..."

"Don't do that, don't make me paranoid Lou. Don't do this to us"

He puts his hands up in defense "I'm only trying to help Anna"

"It won't help, let me be in denial. Please... I don't want to know if he's doing something wrong"

Louis sighs and stands up "even if it'll effect you and Shay?"

My heart drops to my stomach and the worst possible scenarios run through my mind. He's cheating on me, he wants to hurt me again, he's back in the gang and hurting other people... I don't know what to think and I know if Louis doesn't tell me it'll drive me insane.

"Tell me-"

"Tell her what?" Harry asks interrupting me. His hands come up from behind and rub my shoulders. Something he intends to do lovingly, but right now it's making my skin crawl.

Louis looks at me quickly and then back to Harry. "I was in the middle of telling Anna about this girl I met, I wanted her opinion on a couple things"

Harry looks at me and furrows his eyebrows... he isn't buying into Louis' lie and he knows I'll crack under pressure. I can't lie to Harry not now, not after all we've been through to make our relationship stronger and healthy.

"Is that true?" He asks

I shake my head no. "Louis said that something your doing could effect me and Shaya. I wanted him to tell me what it was because I didn't want to believe that you'd be doing something wrong again."

The room fell silent after I said that. Harry's eyes stayed on me and all I wanted to do was cower away in a corner to hide from his stare. For once I couldn't tell what he was feeling, I didn't see any anger or pain, no sadness or joy. His expression was blank and emotionless.

"Mummy, I'm sleepy" Shay whines, brining all my attention on her. I look down at my baby and pick her up.

"Want to go home?"

She nods and rests her head on my shoulder.

"Not until we talk about this" Harry says "Louis take Shay into my office, she can fall asleep on the couch"

Harry's POV

Once Anna and I were alone I felt the pressure. I'm not mad at her, actually the opposite, I'm glad she told me the truth instead of lying straight to my face. Hell I'm not even mad at Louis, I'm honestly just worried that Anna will leave me again after she hears what's going on.

Gently I take her hand and pull her towards the boxing ring, I lift her up and set her down on the edge. Neither of us making a sound. I hull myself up to sit next to her and eventually I confess.

"Ezra has been back in the picture lately and I've been trying to handle it, Louis is the only one that's been helping me. He's tried to destroy our wedding and our happiness, I can't let that happen."

She closes her eyes and shakes her head "I already knew about the wedding Harry, what aren't you telling me"

Taking a deep breath I groan out "Ben is alive and he trying to get me locked up... don't ask me how he's still breathing because I thought your brother took care of that a long time ago. He thinks Shaya is his and he's coming for her, he's coming for both of you... and Ezra is helping him."

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