Chapter Five - Truth Be Told

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Luke is played by Matthew Daddario

Anna's POV

When I turn around I come face to face with a tall man, his hair brown and face scruffy, his tall form towers over me even more than Harry's. I've never seen him before, or heard of him. Luke, Ezra said, is his name... but I can't seem to remember Harry ever talking about him. Now, with a gun pointed between my eyes, I think it's time that Harry starts explaining. If this guy is going to kill me I at least want to know why, I want to know why he feels the need to murder someone he doesn't even know. Most importantly I want to try and talk Luke out of murdering me right here on the cold streets of London.

"We haven't met," he says to me "names Luke. I'm guessing your Anna, seems like your at the wrong place at the wrong time."

I nod my head quickly, my brain not being able to form the words I so desperately want to say to him.

"I'll tell you what, I'm feeling generous tonight, maybe it's because Harry Styles is finally going to die but maybe it's also because your a mum and I wouldn't want your daughter to be an orphan."

Luke looks at Ezra and cocks a crooked smile "Go home Anna, hold your baby, tell her how much you love her, and find something black to wear for your husband's funeral. I won't tell you again, do as I say and don't come back."

What do you do when someone gives you a choice like that? Either I abandon Harry, my husband the man I love, leaving him for dead. Or I stay here with him and abandon my precious little girl. What would you do?

"Earth to Anna, I just told you to go and your still here. Don't make me kill you too."

"Don't kill Harry-"

"You don't give the orders love," Ezra says cutting off my sentence "I do, and I told Luke not to hurt you. Don't make me change my mind."

Harry squeezes my arm and I look behind me to see him, his eyes black, his face hard with anger... I never thought I'd see him like this again. "Go Anna," Harry says "I'll be home soon. Trust me."

I hesitate at first, not wanting to leave Harry with three men that want him dead, but eventually I listen to him. I got in the car, started the engine, and watched in the rear view as my husband fell to the ground.


Louis' POV

After what only felt like an hour, I hear Harry's car pull up in the parking lot of the gym. I know it's late but Shaya fell asleep in the office, I didn't have the heart to wake her up, so we just stayed here. I had paper work to fill out anyway-

"Louis!" I jump out of my skin when I hear Anna scream for me, she hasn't sounded so distraught in a long time "Louis?!"

"Uncle Lou, why is mummy screaming?"

Quickly I walk over to Shaya and whisper "I'm not sure sweet pea, you go back to sleep and I'll go find out, okay?"

Thankfully the little three year old agrees with me and doesn't give me any trouble. That's such a good thing because I feel like tonight is going to be a long fucking night.

"Louis- louis they-y-"

Cutting Anna off I calmly walk over to her and hold on to her shoulders "Anna, I'm going to need you to take a deep breath and calmly tell me what happened."

"They have Harry, they let me go- I shouldn't have gone-e. Oh god I left him there, Louis-"

"They? Whose they, Ezra and Ben?"

Anna nods "And he isn't dead"

"I know, I know Ben is still alive love-"

She shakes her head, tears falling harder out of her eyes "No-o not Ben, his name was Luke... Luke is still alive and he wants Harry dead."

Confusion hit me like a boulder after she said that name. Luke? She can't have meant the same person. "Luke who Anna, be as clear as you can."

"Ezra said that Luke was a member of Direction, he-he said that Harry left Luke to die."

Truth be told, I don't think I've ever grabbed a gun so fast in my entire life. If this Luke is truly the same person then Anna is right to be fearful, he's ruthless and won't stop until someone is bleeding. In this case that someone is Harry. I may already be too late but I have to go to that safe house and see what is going down. The only thing I can do is scope the perimeter of the house, there is no way they'll let me inside... there is no way they'll let me take Harry without a fight. And three against one isn't good enough odds. I have to stay safe if I want to save Harry's life, I have to do everything Harry has taught me over the years.

I have to become the gang member once again.

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