Chapter Ten

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Emma's heart began to beat rapidly, and she could see her own fear represented in the animals around her.

She needed to get them away from her and what ever was coming.

She reached out, grabbing control of their minds, filling them with her own fear, with the instinct to run from the source of fear.

They began to flee from the clearing she had landed in only hours earlier.

As the flocks of birds began to take off into the sky, she closed her eyes, taking greater control of them, seeing through their eyes as they fled.

It was then she came to another realization..

She wasn't surrounded..

She was sandwiched between two oncoming armies. And a battle was about to go down, a battle over her.

She sent the birds swirling over the two armies as she examined what she was up against.

The army to the north of her had about 50 to 60 people. Her heart dropped as she saw their weapons. Sliver.

At the head of the army danced a man who could only be described as comically evil.

Dressed head to toe in black, with a trench coat and slicked back dark hair. He grinned manically as he pranced forward.

She threw her gaze to the south, where an army of about 35 people advanced. And to her amazement she saw Daniel and Ethan and her formshifter landlady at the head of it. They were weaponless and stood no chance against the larger heavily armed northern army. And yet they steadfastly approached.

She felt the cold presence, that had been dormant since the morning, stir pulling her north. The voice of the dark woman she had beaten in her dream began to speak to her, promising strength and power. But Emma had already beat the darkness twice that day, and its strength was gone, its attempt weak.

She knew she did not trust Daniel and Ethan yet, and Ms. Eldridge had lost her trust. But she felt the need to protect them, she knew they were here to save her, even though they must have known they would have failed without weapons, they had come anyway.

She would fight this battle with them, if she survived then she would decide wether to join them or carry on by herself. But for now she would stand with them.

She turned and faced north, backing towards the south side of the clearing, waiting for Daniel and Ethan to join her, and for the enemy to appear.

She saw the man, still prancing, break through the brush across the clearing. He let out a maniacal laugh as he saw her.

As the rest of his army broke through the trees, some of them shifted into an assortment of beasts, others raised silver weapons.

The maniac waved at her "Salutations my lady, how are you on this grand day of days?"

"I've been better...." Emma said slowly, unsure of what to do.

"Of course, how dreadful it must be for you-"

Daniel broke through the clearing behind her shouting "Silence Dominic!"

Dominic laughed before continuing "As I was saying, how dreadful it must be, having these old fashioned cronies try to indoctrinate you with this bad guys, good guys, war long long time ago, tripe." He said waving his hands around flamboyantly. "That war was a very long time ago, nobody's trying to take over the planet. We're all just trying to survive in a world that isn't ours... You of all people would understand that wouldn't you?"

"What are you going on about?!" Emma snarled.

Dominic looked slightly offended by the outburst, but continued in a song sing voice "all I'm saying is there's two sides to every story."

"Go tell yours to someone willing to listen," Emma snapped,

As Dominic had be talking she had been using the flocks of birds to scout the area, she saw a sniper hidden in a near by stand of trees, his gun aimed at her head. She knew the maniac had no plan for her to "learn his side of the story" if she didn't choose his side and would be executed.

"I've chosen my side!" She shouted, feeling Daniel's army fill in behind her.

"Very well," he laughed, a smug smile on his face. As he whispered "Take her out" into his cuff

Emma smiled a his bewilderment as nothing happened.

"Take her out!" He yelled into his cuff

"Oh, are you trying to contact your sniper?? He's a bit, um, tied up at the moment." She said with a laugh as she felt the tree the sniper had been perched in close around the sniper, it's branches curling in on the gunman like a giant fist. She heard a scream as the branches tightened around the man.

Anger colored Dominic's face "your asked for it now little girl" he sneered. He looked at the army behind him, nodding his head towards her, "get her, dead or alive, I want her now. Go!"

He leapt forward, shifting into a 15 foot long black snake, as thick as a man, his jaw stretched open to show his fangs, he hissed as he streaked across the clearing, his army charging behind him.

Emma looked behind her, Daniel and Ethan standing to each side of her, they nodded. Emma returned their nod, turning to charge at the oncoming enemy. Her people charging behind her.

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