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I don't know how long I slept on his shoulder, or when I even fell asleep, but he shook me awake.

"Jack. Jack. Food. And coffee."

"What? Oh. Who?" I mumbled, still half asleep. A look of panic flickered in his eyes.

"It's me. Mark." He thought I'd forgotten again.

"I know babe. It's okay." I kissed his cheek, and grabbed his hand, threading our fingers. "Who has the coffee and food?"

"Flight attendant. She's making her way down the aisle." He relaxed, and all his energy seemed to leave him. He slumped in his chair, resting his head on my shoulder.

"Mark... Baby... Are you okay?" I brought his fingers to my lips.

"Yeah. Yeah, I I just got scared for a minute..." He snuggled into me the best he could.

"It's all okay. Everything's fine." I let go of his hand, and ran my fingers through his soft, thick, blue hair.

He laughed a little. It was more like a tired, but happy sigh. "I love you. I never want to have to imagine a world without you again."

"I promise you. You won't ever have to."

"Please don't... Don't promise that. You cant control it..."

"Okay babe. I'll do my best though." I hid my face in his hair, enjoying his familiar touch and smell, and the closeness and warmth of his body.


The attendant came, and I got a coffee. Black, 2 packets of sugar. Mark got some creamered, caramel, double shot, excuse, for coffee, that Americans have.

He fell asleep before he finished it, pushing up his armrest, and laying his head in my lap. He curled up in the seat like a dog, and I ran my hands through his hair, and up and down his back while he slept. He looked so peaceful. His forehead had no wrinkle of concentration or worry, his lips almost were in a smile. He was so calm. So still.

I pulled out my phone and took a picture. I wanted to keep this moment forever.

I gasped in sudden pain as I put my phone back in my jacket pocket, and he woke from the movement.

"Babe, what's wrong?"

"I-I'm good. It should pass. It's just scar tissue from the accident and surgery. The doctor said it's normal."

He rubbed my back as I doubled up in pain, whispering how much he loved me in my ear, trying to distract me. God I loved him. Tears started to fall as the pain increased.

He started to softly sing an upbeat song in my ear. Aeroplane by Red Hot Chili Peppers. His voice was beautiful. I focused on it, and imagined the guitar riffs as I tried not to scream.

"I like pleasure spiked with pain
And music is my aeroplane
It's my aeroplane
Songbird sweet and sour Jane
And music is my aeroplane
It's my aeroplane
Pleasure spiked with pain."

 The pain passed, and I was crying hard by the time it faded. "That's the worst it's ever been oh god..."

"Shh. Shh. It's okay baby. Oh Jack it's okay. I've got you."

I swallowed my tears, and gasped for air as I stopped sobbing.

"How often does it happen?"

"4-5 times a day. But it's never been this bad. Maybe it's because of the altitude. I dunno." I rasped, coughing as I got my breath back.

"I've never seen it." He said.

"Because it never hurts this bad, so I can usually hide it with a cough or turn the gasp into a yawn."

"Oh babe..." He kissed my neck, before hiding his face in my shirt.

"Hey, I'm okay Mark."  I pulled him out of hiding and we leaned our foreheads together.

"Will the pain ever go away?"

"The doctor said he  didn't know. It might happen less often as my body adapts, but It will most likely never be fully gone."

"Okay. I was just worried. I didn't know what was happening. I got worried I was losing you."

I kissed him, sliding my arms around him. "It's okay. I'm okay."

"Good. Can I go back to sleep? I dong want to get Jet Lag..."

"We'll both sleep. How about that?"

"As long as I get to stay with you."

He fell asleep within minutes, and I settled down soon after, a smile on my lips, and a hand in his hair.

Color (A Septiplier Story) [On Hold]Where stories live. Discover now