Not the same

25 3 0

Look, I know I was the one ignoring you, but, I was always there, you know.

Maybe I didn't show any signs that I cared, but you did and they were not true, so I did not bothered in trying to make you feel like I cared without me actually knowing how I felt. But, apart from your lies and broken promises, I still kept mine.

You told me you loved me, you told me you would always be there for me, you told me you were going to protect me, and I believed you, but now I realized that was a mistake.

Even though you don't really care about me, I care about you. As I said before, I kept my promises and I told the truth, I told you I loved you, I told you I cared about you, and I told you I would always be there for you.

I know by experience that sometimes a wound in the heart can cause a lot more pain than a cut by a razor blade. Sadly, that wound in my heart, was made by you, but I decided to move on, and again, keep my promises.

I care, but then again, it appears that you don't believe me. Huh, how funny, I told you the truth and you don't believe me, and you lied to me and I believed you.

Doesn't that tell you how trust works? But, I guess it depends on the kind of person you are. One thing I am sure of, is that because of you and your lies and broken promises, I will not be the same person as I was before.


Sent, February 2nd, 2016 at 8:40PM.

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