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I have no words anymore. I just want to apologize for several things.

I am sorry for becoming too attached to you when it was a misunderstanding of your feelings towards me.

I am sorry for being an obstacle between you and your beloved partner as well as wishing you both any bad or offending you out of anger or jealousy.

I am sorry for hurting your feelings and even making you sad, because I knew all you wanted, was for me to be your friend, but I stepped back because it hurt me to see you with someone else.

I am sorry for the terrible things I said, they were mostly said in times when I felt down and when I did not want people to even mention your name around me.

I am sorry for talking to you, because if I did not respond to the very first text, if I did not tell you all my deepest darkest secrets, my fears, my dreams, and everything else about me, I would not be hurting now.

Most importantly, I am sorry for existing or being part of your life in moments when all you wanted was her.

I hope you forgive me, for everything I did, do, did not do, whatever it was that annoyed you about me, I am just so sorry.

It's funny how you were the one that was always apologizing, and how you told me you hated doing that, because that meant you fucked things up again. Well, guess what? This time, I was the one to fuck things up.

I do not want to live in a world full of sadness anymore, I do not want to feel devastated every time I see you with her; I want to be free from you, I want to live happily, so that's why I made this apology.


Sent, April 4th, 2016 at 9:25PM.

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