It's Ok (Poetry #1)

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It hurts.

I can't stand it.

Make it stop.



You don't care.

You can't care.

But it's ok.

I won't judge you for it.

I'll take all the things you throw at me and bottle them up.

It'll make you feel better.

You'll be ok.

I don't matter, so it's ok.

I'll hurt.

That's fine.

I'm used to it.

I have been for a long, long time.

You're not the first to do this.

You won't be the last.

And that's ok.

Because I'm insignificant.

You'll forget me.

Hell, you probably won't even realize that you're hurting me.

I won't make you feel bad.

You don't deserve it.

I do.

So go ahead.

Hit me.

Scream at me, at the top of your lungs.

Make me feel like shit.

That way, you'll be ok.

Go hang out with your other friends.

I don't mind.

I know I'm just a back up incase you can't hang out with anyone else.

It's fine.

I won't mention it, because I have no one else.

And it's fine, when you leave me all alone at lunch.

And the even crueler kids with even worse lives poke fun at me.

They'll feel better too.

So it's cool.

Go ahead and leave me all alone, when you've promised you'd be there, when you've said you'd set this time aside for me.

I'll still trust your word.

It'll just hurt.


I'm not worth your support.

So it's... it's ok.

I promise.

(Please help me.)


255 words of utter sadness inspired by my incredibly shitty friend who shall go unnamed for fear she'll one day read this.

Don't worry, I'm fine. Just too much sad music, and too much Dear Seto at a time. God that is a lovely book, very sad and emotional.

Anyways, I'll see you next time I do something.

Baaaaaaaaaiiiiiii... - Destiney And Her After School Teacher Are Like Twins

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