I Don't Know

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I don't really know what to do anymore.

Do I..

Do I keep pushing myself to make things??

Do I take a break..?

Do I stop....?

Do I deal with my emotions?

Or do I keep pushing them into the deepest pits of my soul, making sure that one day I burst??

Do I keep hurting the ones I love,

Or do I let them go??

I don't know anymore.

I used to, I'm sure.

But right now?

I've no idea.

I don't even know what I like and don't like anymore..

Do I enjoy writing these things?

Or am I doing it to make you all happy??

Do I keep making jokes because I'm funny,

Or because it's how I hide things,

Or because it's how I cope with my mistakes,

Or because it makes others happy when I'm a fucking mess??

I don't know.

I just don't know.

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