Two Friends

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Two friends will fight.

One will blame the other one so they won't have to feel the guilt,

While the other blames themselves because they can't bring themselves to hate others.

The first will learn that it was indeed both of their faults, and will try to fix it.

The second, however, will have state red looking back on all their mistakes and hating themselves further, being left alone in their darkness for far too long.

The first will attempt to help, but ultimately will fail as they realize they've caused the one they once held dear to hurt themselves in such a way that can't be undone, can't heal on its own.

The second will waste away to an empty shell, having given up on themselves long ago, simply waiting for the other to do the same.

The first will keep trying to make things right, without realizing the way to fix it is to understand and to stop putting the self first.

By the time the first figured it out,

The second is gone.

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