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Believe it or not, wether I am or I am not, I understand. I understand how it feels to be in the minority, and I understand how it feels to be constantly criticized without them realizes they're affecting me. I understand where you come from when you're rejected from things for stupid reasons, only to have people come back and try to justify their selfish actions.

I understand.

Why doesn't anyone get that?

I'm going to flat out say this, because I'm done hiding my meanings for now.

Everyone in my fucking class is all of the following things, with the only exceptions being a select few people I happily call my friend.

Gender Discriminative
Anti-Any Religion Besides Their Own

And Y'know what?

I fucking defend each and every one of those things. Even if they hate me for it, even if I'm not experienced personally in that subject, even if they assume things because of it. I defend you all.

I defend you, my, OUR right to exist, as we want, as people. And then someone will come and either shout in my face about how either I'm 'flaunting everything in their face' or 'can't understand because I haven't been through it'.

And lord have mercy that pisses me the fuck off.

I don't know, maybe I'm just over exaggerating. I guess I just needed to vent. Bye Lovelies, hope you have/had a lovely day/night/time. - Destiney Is Losing It More Every Second

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