CHAPTER 7: Research

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As the ball carried on, Bracen took me into the kingdom's library to see if we could find any research or evidence of my rare nature. I found a thick book that was bound with leather, and the pages were discolored. It was called 'Angels in History.' I did a speed read of the first fifteen chapters, and didn't find a single thing about angels with rare color. When I looked at Bracen, he had looked through his book, then in aggravation he slammed the book down in the desk.

"Why can't I find anything about you?!" he said as he came over to me and firmly took a tight hold of my face with his hands. "What makes you so different, that there's no record of anything like you?"

"," I started to stammer. "Have you checked any books that have nothing to do with angels," I suggested. "Who knows? Maybe I'm not an angel at all."

He finally let go of my face and held my gaze. "No, I didn't think of that," his voice was finally calm again.

He then started to head for a different part of the library as he gestured for me to follow him, and I did, but not without some hesitation. I already felt like I was in a place I didn't belong, let alone with the prince. I felt like I shouldn't be here. I knew I was in a position, that many other angels would kill to be in, spending time with the prince. . .receiving special treatment. But the thing was, I wasn't spending the kind of time with him others thought I was, nor was I receiving the type of special treatment they thought. They knew nothing. They only believed what they saw, and never thought twice to think it may not be what it seemed.

Bracen opened a wooden door, leading to a different section of the library. I took a glance at one of the books on the shelf, and saw that it read 'The Origins of Demons.' So this must have been a section just for and about demons...I suppose it made sense for angels to know as much as they could about them, just in case Demon Lord Cacel and his minions decided to make an invasion.

Bracen picked a book called 'The World of Demons and it's Creatures'. He skimmed through it, and disappointed expression crossed his face. He stressfully ran his hand through his silver hair, as his golden eyes seemed to burn and melt to a topaz color.

"Feel free to look around, Silver," he said sounding a bit absentminded.

I nodded and slowly started to make my way to a bookshelf. I thought it was sad, degrading actually, to have to resort to looking through books of demons to find something of my odd nature. I picked up a book that said 'Daemones et eorum Legatum' I knew it was in Latin and that he could translate it.

"Bracen," I said as I walked over to him with the book in hand. "What does this book say?"

He leaned over to look at it. "It says 'The Demons and their Legacy'....but don't worry about that one. Just by the title I'm pretty sure there's nothing in there that could link us to you."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm positive."

I went to put the book back and then looked at the moon, realizing how late it was. "Pr- I mean Bracen...I should probably get the ball still going on?"

"No, it ended two hours ago."

"I see." We kept track of time by the position of the stars.

"I'll escort you down," he said and gestured for me to take his arm and he guided me back to the ballroom.

When we got there, there were still a fairly large group of angels here. Starllet and her friends were apart of that group. When the group turned in our direction, more so to scowl and look down at me, Bracen halted our movement at the foot of the steps. Then he took hold of my other arm to pull me closer, and gave me a light kiss to the cheek. Starllet and her friends' faces dropped.

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