CHAPTER 9: Grace's Arms Meets Devil's Advocate

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When I was conscious once again I was glad to feel that I was still in one piece. When I opened my eyes I saw that I was in the arms of the prince of the seas. Leomaris smiled at when he saw that I was looking at him. He was sitting on his boulder while he held me in his arms, looking after me. The only thing I remembered before I passed out was that man, the man who had met with my mother some time ago, speaking of an illness that had overcome someone. And I remembered falling, but how did Leo have me now?

"How are you feeling, Silver?" he asked.

"Leo....I'm not sure..."

"What happened?"

"I'm not entirely sure..." I looked at him as I observed the moment at hand. "How did I end up here?....In your arms?"

"Well I had happened to be swimming about, getting a nice view of the sunrise, when I saw you falling in the sky. I knew something was wrong so I made sure to catch you so you wouldn't fall in the water and end up drowning."

"You...saved my life..."

He chuckled, "I can't have my precious Silver getting hurt and leaving me here..."

"Thank you..."

"You are very welcome."

"I'm sorry....I should probably move...I'm in your personal space.." I said as I lifted to sit up and he helped me the rest of the way to sit next to him on the boulder.

"It's quite fine. I honestly don't mind having you so close to my personal space."

I felt myself blush at his sweet words. "Oh..." I collected myself before I asked what was on my mind. "How long was I unconscious?"

"Quite some time...I was a bit worried until I heard you breathe, but I stayed by your side. I would not just leave you anywhere. And even then you were still as beautiful as you are now."

I smiled. "You are quite sweet, Leo."

"I only speak the truth." He then turned to me and placed his hand over mine. "Do you have any free time, Silver?"

"It would seem so.."

"I was hoping to run into you today and you just fell in my arms," he chuckled. "But I was hoping and wondering if you'd like to come to my kingdom's festival today?"

I smiled widely at his offer. "Yes! Of course! When does it start?"

"It's going on now actually. I would like you to come and be with me. My parents would also like you to have dinner with us."

"I'd love that so much. I'd be happy to join you and your family."

"I suppose mother was right. She knew you'd say yes."

"How it is that your mother seems to know everything."

"She has a gift. A gift of sight. A gift of knowing. Which is why I could never get away with anything most of the time," he laughed. "She has more difficulty with my younger brother, Tiden. Because he's always changing his mind and makes impulsive decisions."

"I see..."

"But the one thing I really want to share with you is the festival fireworks."

"Fireworks? What are those?"

"Well, its more so magic by our most talented mermaids. They're kind of like shooting stars, but they're colorful lights."

I was quite excited at having the chance to experience this. "When can we go?"

"Now, if you like," he said as he slid off the boulder into the water and took hold of my hands.

"Yes." I nodded excited.

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