CHAPTER 13: In the Never Ending Bliss of Living Freely

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When I awoke this morning and walked over to large mirror on the far side of the room. I touched the white horns that were prominent on my head, and I had grown a tail. These were effects of the demonic essence inside me. It wanted to feel more at home, I guess. Sometimes it spoke to a conscience. It was then that I hadn't realized that two years had passed since I've been in the underworld. The Demon Lord was still alive but still very sick. Since I've been here I was loved and accepted here. Everyone respected me. It was here that I truly shined. I thrived here. I've learned more about myself and what I could do. But I have been here for two years, time went by so fast, there's no telling how much I've missed. I should have been back to Padeliona a long time ago...but time just got away.

"What's on your mind, lovely?" Azarus asked sweetly as he placed his hands on my shoulders from behind and kissed my cheek. He looked at me through the mirror and wrapped his arms around my waist. His beautiful crimson eyes were warped with a playful humor. "You're not concerned about how you look in this dress are? You're as enticingly enchanting as always."

"It's not that..."

"Then what?"

"I've just realized. I've been here for two years."


"Azarus...I've been here for two years."

His mouth twisted as he processed my words and his eyes glanced into space. "Oh...I see."

"I could only imagine what I've missed back home. What's going on with everyone? My mother....I want to go back. Can I?" I spoke as I turned to him taking a tight grasp of his hands.

He shrugged. "Of course you can. You're a powerful being and have the freedom to do whatever you want. You're the future queen. Do you want to?"

"I do."

"Then go on. Leave now. I'll take care of things here while you're gone. Go check on your friends and your family."

"Won't you come with?"

"No. That wouldn't be wise. And I can't stand the scent of angels for too long." He pulled me close and placed his forehead to mine. "I'll be here waiting for your return. If you need me...well you know how to contact me."

He smiled and kissed my cheek as I smiled back at him. He was referring to my new ability we had discovered in the two years. I was able to communicate with someone through their mind. I had mastered it but I was still working on expanding it and communicating with multiple people at once. I took hold of his face with my hands and pulled his mouth to mine to kiss his full, succulent lips. As the sound of our parting lips echoed, he smiled at me again, a little devilishly.

"Hang on," he said as his grip around my waist tightened. "A little longer...I don't know how long you're going to be gone."

I smiled as he pulled me back to kiss me longer and more passionately. I was then caught by surprise when he took hold of my chin and slid his tongue in my mouth. My eyes widened and I tried to pull away but he kept my head and my body still while his tongue slowly and softly ventured around my mouth. I felt myself finally relax and condone to the act. I had gotten used to the feeling and found it to be a little exciting. I found myself becoming submerged in the act, until he finally let me go.

"Alright," he smiled as he stepped away. "Now you can go. Get out of here before you go nowhere." I smiled at him and kissed him goodbye and then left the room.

When I reached the inner gates of the underworld, standing at the river of lost souls, waiting for the gatekeeper who steadily moving towards me across the river of flames. The thought crossed my mind of what I was wearing. I was wearing a long, flowing, red and white dress accented with gold. The red and gold colors alternated along the dress, fading in and out of each other. It was like a river of cloth running down my body. The actual sleeves cut off at my bicep and there were straps that were held together by a gold clasps that rested at the top of my shoulder. The front of the dress had an oval shaped whole that revealed my small part my chest. And at the bottom of the dress there was a high slit that exposed my thigh as I walked also showing off the ruby incrusted gold heels I had on.

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