CHAPTER 12: Living Within the Sin That's Greater than Most

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Today would mostly be about getting to know life in the Underworld. Azarus had dressed me in appropriate attire, but I do believe it was to his liking. I wore a long red dress accented in gold, which had thin straps and gave me quite a bit of cleavage that I never knew I could have. I wore thick gold bracelets on my wrists and a thick gold choker around my neck that had ruby gems embedded all the way around. My hair was curled more and pent up in fashion where strands of my hair hung loosely all the way around. Then the cape that was given to me yesterday was placed in the metal clasps on my shoulders, once it was on the flames at the end of the cape erupted as if there was an on and off switch. To children I would probably look like an evil Greek goddess, but Greek gods and goddesses did not exist of course. They were just stories written by our best scribers for entertainment.

Azarus took a step back to view me as a whole and smiled in approval. "Yes..." he cooed. "This is very nice.... I want to take this off already."

He moved behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. "Your bronze skin is absolutely radiant..."

My body stiffened at his touch, "Azarus, please let me go."

"Why?" he hissed. "Oddly you're the only one I can stand to be so close to...maybe we are meant to be. There is something pulling at me.... pushing me toward you. Don't tell me you don't feel it too?"

"I feel nothing toward you..."

"Sure you don't," he teased as he let me go and moved away. "Well we should get going, we will be meeting a few ambassadors who are visiting, and since father is sick you are the next best thing."

"Ambassadors? So many obligations....but I don't think I can do that. That's too much."

"Not really, they won't drill you with questions. They know the situation. At the most they will question you simply and observe you."


"Now come along future wife, but before that we must go into town so you can familiarize yourself with the um....citizens."


"Now don't be alarmed....with our...nature...most here are very, bold, abrasive, and may ask some inappropriate questions."

"Only that kind of nature sounds fitting for demons."

"Yes, well, get used to it because you'll be one of us soon enough."

"Maybe I won't be."

"You have no choice."

We had walked back out into town; the citizens started to notice our presence and began to move aside as we came through. They stared at us, whispering and murmuring amongst themselves. I found myself gripping harder onto Azarus's arm, hearing all their hushed chatter was making me nervous. He glanced over at me and placed his free hand over mine, patting it, reassuring me that there was nothing to worry about.

"Lady Silver! You are quite beautiful!" A female demon spoke.

"Yes...she looks quite tasty..." A male hissed as his snake like tongue rattled.

I felt my breath hitch when I heard that, and Azarus's grip tightened to calm me. He did warn me. He had stopped us at the center of the market place where I immediately started to be questioned by the swarm of demons around me.

"Now," Azarus started. "I know you all have questions, but show some respect to your future ruler, and hold some restraint to your abrasiveness. Take into consideration that she did not grow up here; now ask your questions one at a time."

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