Chapter One [Transitions]

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Luhan stayed still for a few moments, unable to move. He realised what this opportunity meant, but he knew if he was found, the gap would be patched. He would not be allowed to leave, not be allowed to live in colour. Once you had been brought over to this side, there was no leaving. There would be no turning back. Here you are, here you will stay.

Once he was sure he was alone, he climbed down with caution from the tree. Underneath his feet bark crumbled to the ground, the dust that had settled in it floating away with the wind.

One foot reached the ground, the other following only seconds later. Luhan, cautious not to be seen; took yet another look around him.

A figure was approaching him, clouded by the dust.

As it grew closer and closer, he saw it change direction. The person hobbled towards the split, still a fair distance off from where he was. Luhan did not move, and did not even breathe. Being seen could cost him his chance. The only one he would ever have to join the bright world of colour.

The person reached the barrier, and reached forward to touch it. Even from where he was standing, Luhan could see a little thread of colour. It hovered in the air, decreasing in size as the seconds passed. The colour faded, a little pink light, no bigger than a baby’s fingernail.

The person pulled their hood further over their head, looked around, and extended a wiry arm forth, a wrinkled fist enclosing the pink light.

This confirmed Luhan’s worst fears. The person was a Guardian. These people were neither alive nor dead, but they were manifestations in human form of the darkness. What Luhan had just witnessed was the creature feeding, a sight that struck terror into the hearts of the spirits.

Everything that happened after that was a blur.

The person’s arm disappeared into their cloak, and they rose from their squatting position. As they turned, they themselves noticed a figure in the distance.


It was now or never.

The hooded figure ran towards him, getting closer with every passing second. Luhan himself leant back, putting all his weight onto his legs. His muscles tensed, and in the blink of an eye, he was off. His legs pushed off from the ground, each step a graceful leap. Seconds passed, and he was almost there. As he passed through, he felt pressure on his body, a strange feeling was taking over. The pressure could be felt in every point of his body, massaging his neck, poking at his legs, and pinching his arms.

After a few moments had passed, the pressure stopped.

He looked around. This time, it was not dead plants that surrounded him. This time, all he could see was colour.

That feeling had been colour. This is what it felt like.

He was there.

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