Chapter Eight: [Dreams]

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After all, doesn't everything return to the dark?

The bright of day will always turn to night.

The movie will always have an end.

And the candle wick will always burn out.

-Luhan's POV-



Tap on my leg once again.

I felt myself shake a couple of times, some unseen force pushing me.

"Luhan. Wake up"

These three words were what jolted me awake, my eyes fluttering open. I could see a blurry figure, and as my eyes focused on the figure in front of me, I remembered Sehun. Just as sleepy as I was, his arms wrapped around me, my head on his shoulder.

"It's nearly midnight. You fell asleep and I didn't want to wake you."

 "It's alright. I slept pretty well." my own voice, alert and calm, betrayed the tiredness of my body.

"I can drive you home if you would like - where do you live?"

I laughed. "I have nowhere to go. That is, if you believe the story I told you earlier. I doubt you believe me."

For a brief second, Sehun's expression turned back into one of hurt, remembering my reaction earlier. Or maybe he was remembering something else? Once his expression changed back, he spoke. "I'm sorry. I really am. But honestly, what am I going to believe? Like I am just going to accept that you come from an alternate universe."

"Not a universe, a world. Parallel to your own, mind you. I'm just like you, apart from the grey brown hair and the pale skin." My own voice rang out loud, defiance and annoyance evident in my tone.

[edited some cringey shit out here soz you guys]

Neither knowing what to say next, the only thing cutting the silence was the ticking of a clock, the repetitive sound muffled through the walls of the surrounding rooms.

-Sehun POV-

"Do you want to sleep here tonight then? If your story is true, which to be honest I still doubt; then I can't turn you out. I mean, you're effectively homeless!"

".....I have no choice!"

There was the Luhan that I knew.

-Narrator's POV-

Sehun got to his feet, lightly pushing aside Luhan's body as he did so.

"I'll be back. I'm just going to figure out where you will sleep."

Sehun rifled through his cupboards, trying to find the whereabouts of his old futon. Pulling various objects aside, the pain in my arm reurfaced. Probably fucking broken. Remind me again why on earth I punched that bench so goddamn hard? After a few minute's worth of searching, the green fabric peeked through the clothes, illuminated where the moonlight grazed it.

"Here it is! Luhan, I can make you your bed now. Actually, would you be able to come and help me?"

The reply came in the affirmative, Luhan's fatigued limbs appearing through the door first.

(Thanks go to my friend Judy for the candle line. Thanks, Donut! ^^ )

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